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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 工业设计 > 正文


 2020-04-25 20:20:08  

摘 要






Improvement Design of Outdoor Water Purifier


With the improvement of national living standards, high-quality outdoor leisure travel has become the choice of many young people. Outdoor water purifier can effectively solve the problem of difficult drinking water outdoors and avoid travel troubles caused by unsafe drinking water in rivers, lakes and rivers. The application of outdoor water purifier abroad is much earlier than that in China, and the technology is relatively mature.

As an emerging market, China has great potential for development. Existing outdoor water purification products generally have low water production efficiency. The water purification effect of suction-type outdoor water purifier is non-visual, and users have no intuitive feeling about the use effect of products. Hand pump type outdoor water purifier has more accessories, and the use process is more cumbersome, which reduces the user's comfort.

Therefore, based on the shortcomings of existing products, it is necessary to improve their functionality and shape effectively.

Aiming at outdoor water purification products, the overall development process is guided by product system design concept, and the methods and criteria of outdoor water purifier function and shape design are summarized by industrial design theory, and the design practice is guided by it.

Key words: outdoor water purifier; industrial design; portable; modelling design


第一章 设计调研 1

1.1市场调研 1

1.2 技术调研 6

1.3材料与加工工艺分析 9

1.4 用户调研 11

1.5人机交互调研 14

1.6 产品造型规律调研 17

1.7行业规范调研 18

1.8设计定位 19

第二章 产品方案设计 19

2.1前期方案设计 19

2.2中期方案设计 20

2.3最终方案设计 21

2.4选定方案 22

第三章 结构设计 22

3.1产品三视图 22

3.2产品总装图 23

3.3产品爆炸图 24

3.4产品半剖图 25

第四章 色彩设计 25

4.1色彩设计 26

第五章 材料与加工工艺 29

5.1外壳、瓶盖成型材料及工艺分析 29

5.2内壳材料及工艺分析 29

5.3内部过滤材料及工艺分析 29

第六章 人机分析 30

6.1人机尺寸 31

6.2力学分析 32

第七章 产品成本预算 34

第八章 产品最终效果图 34

本章主要内容:户外净水器产品最终效果图 34

8.1 计算机效果图表现 35

结束语 37

参考文献: 38

致谢 39

第一章 设计调研




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