2020-07-09 20:41:47
摘 要
Selected the floor washing machine as the design topic, made appearance and functional improvement design, and the main direction was to improve the shape. The washing machine market has a wide market prospect, but the existing principle of washing machines is similar, the shapes are the same, and the functions are single. To a certain extent, it can no longer meet the needs of modern people.
This project firstly mastered the basic structure and major dimensions of the scrubber through deconstruction and mapping of existing scrubbers, and then conducted product research on mainstream scrubbers in the market, conducted in-depth analysis and summary, and thus clearly defined product positioning. Secondly, a variety of plans have been conceived in the form of drawing sketches, considering the feasibility of the plan and determining the final plan.
In the end, the product system design process was successfully completed, and the design was simple and the man-machine convenient washing machine was designed. Let the washing machine design reasonable and innovative, and have a stronger market competitiveness.
Keywords:Floor washing machine、Shape improvement、Human and machine
第一章 项目规划与管理 1
1.1项目解读 1
1.1.1项目介绍 1
1.1.2预期成果 1
1.1.3技术路线 1
1.2过程控制 2
第二章 产品调研 3
2.1市场调研 3
2.1.1产品的定义 3
2.1.2产品的分类 3
2.1.3产品发展历史 3
2.1.4现有产品调研 5
2.1.5产品市场现状 8
2.1.6产品市场机会分析 8
2.1.7市场调研小结 9
2.2技术调研 9
2.2.1产品的结构与原理 10
2.2.2洗地机技术调研小结 14
2.3用户调研 14
2.3.1用户基本信息 14
2.3.2产品调查问卷 15
2.3.3产品问卷分析 16
2.3.4用户调研小结 20
2.4人机调研 21
2.4.1产品人机功能分析 21
2.4.2产品人机调研小结 22
2.5造型规律与色彩调研 23
2.5.1产品的形态演变 24
2.5.2产品的形态与色彩搭配 24
2.5.3造型规律调研小结 25
2.6洗地机行业规范 25
2.6.1产品行业规范标准 25
2.6.2洗地机行业规范调研小结 25
2.7产品定位 26
第三章 洗地机方案设计 27
3.1 洗地机前期方案 27
3.2 洗地机中期方案 28
3.3 洗地机最终方案 28
第四章 洗地机结构设计 30
4.1洗地机三视图 30
4.2洗地机尺寸图 32
4.3洗地机总装图 33
第五章 洗地机人机工程分析 34
5.1操作界面分析 34
5.2操作方式分析 34
5.3人机环境分析 35
第六章 材料与加工工艺 36
6.1材料分析 36
6.2加工工艺分析 36
第七章 产品方案成本核算 38
7.1 产品价值构成 38
7.2 产品人文价值分析 38
7.3 产品经济价值分析 38
7.3.1 价值分析 38
7.3.2 成本分析 38
7.3.3 市场分析 39
7.3.4手推式洗地机各部分成本分析 39
第八章 产品最终效果图 41
8.1计算机表现效果图 41
8.2模型效果展示 42
结束语 43
参考文献 44
第一章 项目规划与管理