2022-01-19 21:19:06
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
杉木(cunninghamia lanceolata)因具有生长速度快、干形通直圆满、木材纹理通直、抗虫耐腐、经济价值高等优点,在我国长江流域、秦岭以南地区广泛栽培,是我国最重要的速生用材树种之一。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
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[2] han j-h, shim h, shin j-h, et al. antagonistic activities of bacillus spp. strains isolated from tidal flat sediment towards anthracnose pathogens colletotrichum acutatum and c. gloeosporioides in south korea[j]. the plant pathology journal, 2015, 31: 165-175.
[3] heydari a, pessarakli m. a review on biological control of fungal plant pathogens using microbial antagonists[j]. journal of biological sciences,2010, 10: 273290.