2022-01-18 22:25:32
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
研究内容:桉树(eucalyptusrobusta smith)又称尤加利树,是桃金娘科桉属植物的统称。桉树是南方重要的速生丰产林树种,同时也是澳大利亚考拉的主要食物。论文结合南京市红山动物园考拉食物对象的要求,引种了13个澳大利亚的新品种桉树种子,进而研究其适宜的种子贮藏和播种育苗方法,了解不同贮藏温度和浸泡处理方法对种子发芽率的影响,旨在为桉树的引种育苗工作提供理论指导和依据。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1]guas, a., ferreira, a., maia, p., et. al.. natural establishment of eucalyptus globulus labill. in burnt stands in portugal. forest ecology and management, 2014, 323, 47-56.
[2]baskin, c. c.,baskin, j. m.. chapter 8 - variation in seed dormancy and germination within and between individuals and populations of a species seeds (second edition) (m). san diego: academic press,2014:277-373
[3]fabio, a., martins, m. c., cerveira, c., et. al..influence of soil and organic residue management on biomass and biodiversity of understory vegetation in a eucalyptus globulus labill. plantation. forest ecology and management, 2002,171(12), 87-100.