2021-12-31 22:30:52
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
随着近些年来我国工业化、城市化的迅速发展,使得颗粒物的污染愈发严重。pm2.5即环境空气中空气动力学当量直径≤2. 5 μm 的颗粒物,由于沉降困难、影响范围广,控制和治理难度大,成为研究的热点。尤其是其中nox形成的pm2.5对于城市园林绿化常见种的光合作用的影响规律的研究有助于我们了解植物响应pm危害的机理,为应对大气颗粒物污染提供理论依据。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1]aurell,j., gullett, b.k., 2013. emission factors from aerial and ground measurementsof field and laboratory forest burns in the southeastern us: pm2.5, black andbrown carbon, voc, and pcdd/pcdf. environ sci technol 47, 8443-8452.
[2]calfapietra,c., fares, s., manes, f., morani, a., sgrigna, g., loreto, f., 2013. role ofbiogenic volatile organic compounds (bvoc) emitted by urban trees on ozoneconcentration in cities: a review. environmental pollution 183, 71-80.
[3]kim,k.w., park, s.s., lee, k.h., kim, y.j., 2013. atmospheric light extinctionreconstructed from the size-resolved aerosol composition using pixe analysis.journal of the korean physical society 62, 186-192.