2021-11-02 20:54:11
摘 要
For general price and volume analysis, low-frequency data are used to analyze the relationship between return rate, volatility and trading volume in the stock market. In the rapid development of information technology today, based on the share price of high frequency data, by using the method of quantile regression, and combining the h-share market shares of the estimation method of volatility of high frequency data of high frequency data in the share price volatility and trading volume dynamic relationship is studied, and analyzed the H share market in the stock price in the process of the variance and jumping and the dynamic relationship between the volume, so that we can better understand stocks in the stock market volatility, invest stock for stock investors to better, reduce economic loss.
By referring to various domestic and foreign relevant data, this paper finds that the quantile regression (MCMB-QR) method based on Markov chain bootstrap method has very obvious advantages in studying the correlation between stock volatility, return rate and trading volume. Therefore, this paper adopts the MCMB-QR method to study and analyze the dynamic relationship between volatility and trading volume under high-frequency data, and selects the inday closing data of Jinchuan International And Savills for research and analysis. Through the MCMB-QR method for quantile regression, we can find that: in the stock market, there is no significant correlation between the return rate of a single stock and the volume of trading; The correlation between volatility, jump variance and trading volume is significant, and the correlation between volatility of a single stock and trading volume is significant and presents a positive correlation. Moreover, the change of the trading volume of a single stock will lead to the fluctuation of the jump variance of the stock price, but the influence is relatively short.
Finally, through research and analysis of this article, the effect factors of stock volatility and yields are summarized, and Suggestions for stock investors' investment behavior: investors when they invest in stocks as much as possible, attention should be paid to the change of the volume of stock price fluctuation influence, as well as the volume changes in the stock market the second phase of the jump risk.
Key Words:High Frequency data;Rate of fluctuation;Volume of business;MCMB-QR method
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究背景及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 本文的研究思路与结构内容 3
1.4.1本文的研究思路 3
1.4.2结构内容 3
第2章 研究的相关基础知识 5
2.1 分位数回归的概念 5
2.2 MCMB方法 5
2.3 波动率的非参数估计方法 6
2.3.1 “已实现”波动 6
2.3.2 “已实现”极差波动 7
2.4 跳跃方差 7
第3章 H股市场实证分析 9
3.1 数据选取 9
3.2 收益率分析 10
3.3 成交量与波动率的动态关系研究 11
3.4 跳跃方差分析 12
第4章 总结与展望 16
4.1 总结 16
4.2 未来展望 17
参考文献 18
致谢 20
第1章 绪论
1.1 引言
1.2 研究背景及意义
随着全球经济的飞速发展,各种虚拟货币,证券金融以及数字金融也得到了迅猛的发展,而其中股票作为证券的一种,也得到了飞快的提升。而股票(stock)便是各种上市公司发行的一种所有权凭证,是各种上市公司为筹集资金而发行给各个股东作为持股凭证并借以取得股息和红利的一种有价证券,股票是股份公司资本的构成部分,可以转让、买卖,是资本市场的主要长期信用工具,这也将是本文研究的主体对象。股票波动率:波动率是指标的资产投资回报率的变化程度,有实际波动率和历史波动率之分,它是江恩理论[1]的一个重要内容。所谓股票的成交量便是股票市场中的某支股票的买卖情况,指的是对于股票买卖双方达成交易的数量,他的计算方法是单方向的(例如:某支股票在一定的时间内的成交量是五万股,这就表示在买卖双方交易意愿达成的时间内,股票的成交量为五万股,即是指买方买进了五万股,而同时卖方卖出了五万股)。股票收益率(stock yield),是指投资者在进行股票投资的时候所获得的收益情况,他一般是收益总额和原始投资额的比率。因为购买股票能得到大量的收益甚至能够一夜暴富,所以股票受到了大量投资者的喜爱。而在股票的收益情况中一般分为两种情况:股息是股票的绝对收益率,一般不会受到大的波动其收益也是正的;而股票收益率就是股票的相对收益,其变化情况更加的明显。其用公式表示如下: