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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 统计学 > 正文


 2021-08-02 21:20:21  

摘 要








Based on 846 scientific and technical personnel samples, we discuss scientific and technical personnel’s income from sex, age, education, organization and industry type 5 aspects.

First, we implement factor analysis of variance ( or Kruskal-Wallis rank test ) to analyze the variables respectively. We get the result:5 variables have the effect on scientific and technical personnel’s income respectively.

Second, we regard scientific and technical personnel’s income logarithmic form as dependent variable, we find:(1) ICC=27.2%,which means 27.2% of total variation of scientific and technical personnel’s income is due to the difference between provinces; (2) half of the total variation scientific and technical personnel’s income can be explained by logpergdp; (3) age and industry type are random effect by random effect model; (4) scientific and technical personnel’s income can be related to sex, age, education, party member and industry type. The influences of age, education, party member and industry type to scientific and technical personnel’s income can be affected by logpergdp.

Third, we set whether scientific and technical personnel’s income is higher than average income where he works as dependent variable, we find: (1)whether scientific and technical personnel’s income is higher than average income where he works is related to sex, age, education and organization by Logistic model. According to Logistic random model, we get the solutions: (1) ICC=32%,which means 32% of total variation is due to the difference between provinces; (2) 78.8% of the total variation scientific and technical personnel’s income can be explained by logpergdp; (3) industry type is random effect; (4) whether scientific and technical personnel’s income is higher than average income where he works can be related to sex, age, education. The influences of education whether scientific and technical personnel’s income is higher than average income where he works can be affected by logpergdp.

Finally, we discuss the merits and drawbacks of our model and propose some suggestions to scientific and technical personnel’s income.

Key Words: Random Model; Logistic Model; Logistic Rrandom Model

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 I

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究思路 2

第2章 科技人员收入相关数据处理 4

2.1 科技人员收入的数据来源 4

2.2 科技人员收入的数据处理 4

第3章 影响科技人员收入因素的混合效应模型 7

3.1 描述性分析 7

3.2单因素方差分析 10

3.3科技人员收入影响因素的多元回归分析 13

3.4 科技人员收入影响因素的混合效应模型 15

第4章 影响科技人员收入因素的Logistic随机效应模型 22

4.1 科技人员收入影响因素的Logistic回归分析 22

4.2科技人员收入影响因素的 Logistic混合效应模型 23

4.3 模型比较 28

第5章 总结与展望 29

5.1 总结 29

5.2 创新处 29

5.3 展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 国内外研究现状

学术界,收入差距问题的研究一直是热点的问题研究,而哪些因素影响收入差距又是研究重中之重,国外学者很早便开始对收入差距影响因素的问题展开了研究,库兹涅茨提出的“倒U曲线理论”较有影响力,他指出了居民收入差距受经济发展速率及国民教育程度影响。在倒U曲线理论基础上,陈宗胜(1991)基于我国国情,提出了体制模式改革和发展格局变动“双重过渡”陈氏“倒U曲线”学说,解释我国改革开放后中国及未来中国收入分配发展规律。对收入分配不平等的问题西方经济学家先后提出评价收入分配不均衡程度的恩格尔系数、洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数等等计量标准。杨眉,高汝熹(2006) 用26年全国各省市城镇居民人均可支配收入数据,按全部人均gdp计算区域基尼系数大约为0.2—0.32,说明我国城镇居民收入区域差距很大。谢雪芳(2014)用CGSS项目调查数据,采取回归分析方法,得出性别、年龄、受教育程度和职业类别等为影响城镇居民收入差距的主要因素,但是没有考虑区域对收入的影响。贾慧芝基于世界银行2012年STEP住户调查数据,运用交叉随机效应模型,得到教育对居民的收入有正向影响。


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