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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 统计学 > 正文


 2021-08-02 21:19:46  

摘 要





In this paper,from the angles of macroscopic and microscopic,we take statistical analysis for real estate market risk to our country.In terms of macroeconomic,we respectively build macro risk comprehensive evaluation model and time series analysis model.In the macro risk comprehensive evaluation model,using the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) to determine indexes weight,then based on it,we get the weighted average risk comprehensive value of the real estate market in China.Results show that,between January 2002 and March 2016 in our country, the mean of comprehensive risk value is 46.646 (median is 44.933).And from 2002 to 2016,the tendency shows increase year by year before gently,but weakening trend is not significant.Then,based on the comprehensive value of risk,we set up time series analysis model to research the macroscopic policy impact.According to the results,housing restriction policy makes a 16.13% decline on China's real estate market risk value,and its influence moves at a rapid speed attenuation,and long-term cumulative effects is only 26.05%,which means that the policy leads to a 26.05% decrease of the comprehensive risk value of the real estate market in China.In terms of microscopic,this article is based on KMV model to measure the credit risk of real estate in our country.Results show that based on date for March 31th 2016,the average default distance of 144 listed real estate companies in China is 0.4945 (median is 0.5299),the average probability of default is 34.16% (median 29.81%),which is more closer to the STamp;ST* companies. Therefore, this paper argues that the current real estate enterprise credit risk level is high,and the commercial bank credit risk problem is more serious.

To sum up,at present our country real estate market risk level is still in the high status,and the commercial bank credit risk of real estate industry is terrible too.The government should adopt certain macro-control policies to suppress the risk,but the control effect is limited.In terms of commercial Banks,it is suggested that establishing real estate enterprise credit rating system to control the probability of bad loans is necessary.

Key Words:China's real estate market risk ; Comprehensive evaluation model of risk ; Intervention analysis model ; KMV model

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 中国房地产市场风险研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究的目的、意义及方法 3

第2章 中国房地产市场风险的描述与度量 5

2.1 房地产市场风险指标描述 5

2.2 我国房地产市场风险度量 5

2.2.1 指标选取 5

2.2.2 数据预处理 6

2.2.3 指标风险值映射 6

2.3 宏观风险综合评价模型 8

2.3.1 层次分析法理论介绍 8

2.3.2 权重值计算 9

2.4 风险综合值统计描述 10

第3章 基于风险综合值的时间序列干预分析模型 12

3.1 时间序列干预分析模型简介 12

3.1.1 模型一般形式 12

3.1.2 模型的构建思路 13

3.2 干预分析模型的构建 14

3.2.1 数据预处理 14

3.2.2 趋势外推模型——干预前的样本数据模型估计 15

3.2.3 政策影响测度模型——干预模型参数估计 16

3.2.4 建立净化序列拟合模型 17

3.2.5 干预分析模型 19

3.3 干预分析模型的预测 19

第4章 基于KMV模型的房地产信贷风险度量 20

4.1 KMV模型简介 20

4.1.1 模型假设 20

4.1.2 模型建立 20

4.2 基于KMV模型的房地产行业信贷风险实证分析 22

4.2.1 数据预处理 22

4.2.2 KMV模型求解及结果分析 23

4.2.3 信用风险管理建议 24

第5章 结论与建议 26

5.1 综述房地产市场风险 26

5.2 模型创新点及展望 26

5.2.1 模型创新点 27

5.2.2 模型展望 27

参考文献 28

附 录 29

附录A平均随机一致性指标取值表 29

附录B房地产市场风险综合值 29

附录C 部分源代码 32

致 谢 36

第1章 绪论

1.1 中国房地产市场风险研究背景



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