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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-07-10 19:35:11  


摘 要


关键词: 闭式回路;脉动热管;传热性能

Experimental studies of pulsating heat pipes with the water as working fluid and analysis of thermal properties


As an emerging heat pipe, pulsating heat pipe is considered to be The most promising high heat flux density, miniaturization and low-cost heat transfer components. At present, the research of pulsating heat pipe is still in its infancy . We need a lot of experimental studies to explain how it works , and we can provide technical support for the industrial production . Through study of heat transfer characteristics of pulsating heat pipe , we find the effect of working fluid type and working fluid volume ratios on the heat transfer characteristics. The experiment uses an electric wire heating and air cooling , we find the curve changes in thermal resistance during the heating and get the relationship between the thermal resistance and heat pipe heat power . As the results show , in the heating power, thermal resistance of each heat pipe experienced a significant decline in the early and a subsequent slow period in the end . With the increase of heating power , the average temperature of hot and cold sections and the temperature difference have tended to increase , thermal resistance tends to decrease. We also find working fluid type and working fluid volume ratio have impact on thermal resistance . For example, we use the water and ethanol- water as the working fluid . The ethanol - water pulsating heat pipe heat transfer performance is better than the water pulsating heat pipe . Comparison of ethanol - water volume ratio of 0.9:0.1 , 0.5:0.5 and 0.3:0.7 , the 0.9:0.1 has better heat transfer performance.

Keywords: Closed Loop;PHP;Heat transfer performance


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 脉动热管的定义 1

1.2 脉动热管的特点 3

1.3 国内外脉动热管使用现状和发展趋势 4

1.4 结论与展望 6

1.5 本实验主要内容 6

1.6实验步骤 7

第2章 振荡热管试验研究系统的建立 8

2.1 振荡热管 8

2.2 测温装置 9

2.3 加热及保温装置 9

2.4 冷却装置 10

2.5 数据采集系统 11

2.6 试验系统的安装及调试 12

2.7 试验系统的运行 12

2.8 实验研究内容 13

第3章 实验结果及分析 14

3.1 实验方案 14

3.2 实验数据的处理及分析 16

3.3 工质体积配比对热阻的影响 22

3.3.1工质体积配比对冷却热阻的影响 22

3.3.2工质体积配比对热管传热热阻的影响 23

3.4 工质种类对热阻的影响 24

3.4.1工质种类对冷却热阻的影响 24

3.4.2 工质种类对热管传热热阻的影响 24

3.5 本章小结 24

第4章 结论与展望 26

4.1 实验结论 26

4.2 展望 26

参考文献 28

附录 30

水的热物性参数 30

致谢 35

第1章 绪论

热管技术是1963年美国洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)国家实验室的乔治格罗佛(George Grover)发明的一种称为“热管”的传热元件,它充分利用了热传导原理与相变介质的快速热传递性质,透过热管将发热物体的热量迅速传递到热源外,其导热能力超过任何已知金属的导热能力。热管(heat pipe)技术以前被广泛应用在宇航、军工等行业,自从被引入散热器制造行业,使得人们改变了传统散热器的设计思路,摆脱了单纯依靠高风量电机来获得更好散热效果的单一散热模式,采用热管技术使得散热器即便采用低转速、低风量电机,同样可以得到满意效果,使得困扰风冷散热的噪音问题得到良好解决,开辟了散热行业新天地。

1.1 脉动热管的定义

随着电子行业的不断发展,集成度越来越高,功率也越来越大,传统的换热设备已经无法满足要求,迫切需要小型的、强散热能力的新型传热设备。脉动热管具有很强的换热能力,是高效能换热设备的一个重要发展方向。脉动热管(Pulsating Heat Pipe,简称PHP,也有称Oscillating Heat Pipe,简称OHP)是由90年代初日本的Akachi最早提出,利用了管内的气液段塞在加热端与冷却端之间运动,实现热传递,最大的优点是小型化、大功率。脉动热管还有一些传统热管所不具备的优点,如弯曲较随意,充液较简单,成本低[1]



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