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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-14 21:35:45  


摘 要

二十一世纪,全球范围内能耗的升高和温室效应的加剧,对发展更高级的能量系统以提高能量利用率,并减少CO2排放提出了更迫切的要求。在工业生产中至少50%的热量以各种形式的余热被直接排放到大气中,不仅造成了能源浪费,而且对环境造成热污染。“十一五”规划纲要中明确提出,“2010 年单位国内生产总值能耗比2005 年降低20%”,《节能减排综合性工作方案》进一步明确,中国万元国内生产总值能耗将由2005年的1.22 t标准煤下降到1 t 标准煤以下的约束性指标。利用低温余热发电在不增加新能耗的前提下,获得更强劲的能源支撑,对我国实现节能减排、环保发展战略具有重要的现实意义。




关键词:烧结 余热锅炉 蒸发器 过热器 省煤器

Design of 2.0 MPa sintering waste heat boiler


In the 21st century, the rise of global energy consumption and greenhouse effect has put forward more pressing requirements to delop more advanced energy systems to improve energy efficiency, and reduce CO2 emisevsions. At least 50% of the calories in industrial production of waste heat is discharged directly into the atmosphere in various forms,This not only caused energy waste, but also cause thermal pollution to the environment. An outline of the eleventh five-year plan clearly put forward that "in 2010, energy consumption per unit GDP 20% lower than in 2005", "energy conservation and emissions reduction comprehensive work plan" further clear, China's ten thousand yuan GDP energy consumption must dropp from 1.22t in 2005 of standard coal to binding forces under 1 t of standard coal. Using low temperature waste heat power generation has important practical significance in realizing the development strategy of energy conservation and emissions reduction, environmental protection in China without any increase in new energy consumption under the premise of get a more robust energy support. With the development of economy, iron and steel industry’s all poor earnings are forced opening the market of transmission steel energy-saving gradually. Represented by sintering waste heat boiler steel energy-saving equipment technology is mature, and obtained the general recognition of the steel mill.

This paper introduces the development status of sintering waste heat boiler and describes the case of Baosteel sintering heat boiler, with the characteristics of Baosteel sintering heat boiler, the advantages and disadvantages are under analysis, as well as present my views on the development of sintering waste heat boiler. This papre designs 2.0Mpa sintering waste heat boiler, the main design including superheater, evaporator, economizer design and selection, in which the superheater and evaporator using finned tube heat exchanger technology, heat pipe heat exchanger technology is used in economizer. Selection of finned tube is first according to GB5310-2008 standard for high pressure boiler seamless steel pipe seamless steel pipe, according to GB/T13237 "cold rolled steel sheet and high quality carbon structure steel belt" standard choose finned tube material. The design, production, and acceptance of heat pipe execute SNB001-97 standard for carbon steel - water gravity heat pipe technology conditions. This paper uses the theoretical calculation method, based on the temperature of the outlet and inlet flue gas, the heat of stem that can meet the need is calculated. Then, evaporator and superheater economizer heat balance has been caculated to get their own import and export temperature. Again, respectively, the structure size of evaporator and superheater economizer has been designed. Finally, on the gas side superheater, evaporator and economizer flue gas side pressure drop in the check, while the superheater evaporator design chosen finned tubes and economizer cold side of the heat pipe of choice the casing strength check, in order to meet project requirements.

Because superheater tube row number in this paper (two) is less,directly welding with the superheater in the same shell, so as to reduce the occupied space, make equipment more compact and beautiful.The design of the superheater and evaporator finned tube heat transfer technique, compared to the ordinary light tube technology, can make the heat transfer area increase graetly, heat transfer efficiency increased significantly; Because the finned tube has good heat transfer performance, when the outside heated,the surface temperature, the thermal stress are evenly, which won't produce concentrated, also won't produce strength weak spot. in addition, the fin can make diversion effects of flue gas, at the same time, the diversion make each index of the flue gas (temperature, flow rate, ash content, etc.) more even and will not produce smoke drift, there would be no flue gas concentration caused by scouring an area or a particular part. So,it is more wear-resistant.Compared with the finned tube heat exchanger , heat pipe with high heat transfer efficiency, compact structure, fluid resistance loss, help control the dew point corrosion, etc., can effectively solve the economizer heat dew point underutilized and fireside corrosion issues.

Key Words: sintering; waste heat boiler;evaporator;economicer

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract III

第一章 前言 1

第二章 烧结余热锅炉背景与现状 2

2.1烧结余热锅炉的背景 2

2.2余热锅炉工作原理和分类 2

2.3国内烧结余热回收锅炉应用前景 3

2.4烧结余热锅炉研究现状 4

第三章 烧结余热锅炉的特点及存在的问题 5

3.1 主流烧结余热锅炉的特点 5

3.2余热锅炉存在的问题对策 5

3.3余热锅炉优化方法 6

3.1 ABBDCS的应用 6

3.2 PLC在烧结余热锅炉汽包液位PID控制系统的应用 6

3.3 其他优化方式 6

3.4具体案例 6

第四章 本课题研究的内容以及拟作的工作 7

4.1本课题研究的内容 7

4.2本课题拟作的工作 7

第五章 设计计算说明书 8

5.1原始数据参数 8

5.2总传热量及各部分温度计算 8

5.3过热器的计算 9

5.3.1 过热器基本选型 9

5.3.2 过热器管外计算 11

5.3.3过热器管内换热系数计算 11

5.3.4过热器总的换热系数和管排数 12

5.4蒸发器的计算 13

5.4.1蒸发器管外换热系数计算 13

5.4.2蒸发器管内换热系数计算 14

5.4.3蒸发器总的换热系数和管排数 14

5.5省煤器的计算 15

5.5.1热管元件的基本选择 15

5.5.2省煤器烟气侧换热系数计算 15

5.5.3省煤器水侧换热系数计算 16

5.5.4省煤器总换热系数和管排数计算 17

第六章 压力降计算 19


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