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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-14 21:24:25  


摘 要

节能减排是我国经济和社会发展的一项长远战略方针, 也是一项极为紧迫的任务。回收余热降低能耗对我国实现节能减排、环保发展战略具有重要的现实意义。同时, 余热利用在对改善劳动条件、节约能源、增加生产、提高产品质量、降低生产成本等方面起着越来越大的作用, 有的已成为工业生产中不可分割的组成部分。




Design glass furnace of 600t/d waste heat boiler


Energy saving and emission reduction is a long-term strategic policy of economic and social development in China,it is a very urgent task as well. Reducing the energy consumption of waste heat and reducing the energy consumption has important practical significance for our country to realize energy saving and emission reduction and environmental protection development strategy.. At the same time, waste heat utilization is used to improve working conditions, save energy, increase production, improve product quality, reduce the cost of production and playing a more and more important role. Some of them have become inseparable part of industrial production.

In this paper of the design of industrial applications, the main design is a waste heat recovery boilers, recycling the heat of the exhaust emissions of metallurgical sintering machine in order to achieve the purpose of energy saving. The main content and the design process are as follows:

When design the waste heat boiler, in addition to the overall layout, first you must make thermodynamic calculation. Thermodynamic calculation’s task is to determine the size of various parts of the boiler and steam production according to the given flue gas and steam parameters, and select the auxiliary equipment. Before the Thermal equilibrium calculation, the production of the enthalpy of the flue gas temperature table should be made in order to find out conveniently. Then, calculate the boiler heat loss and evaporation of refrigerant through the principle of conservation of energy. Last is the structural thermodynamic calculation of the super heater, evaporator and economizer.

Key Words: Waste heat recovery; Waste heat boiler; Evaporation; Super heater; Economizer


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 玻璃窑炉余热回收设计研究意义 2

1.2 玻璃窑炉余热回收系统研究 2

1.3 余热锅炉分析 3

1.4 玻璃窑炉余热回收的发展前景 3

1.5 本课题的相关设计内容 4

第二章 计算余热锅炉设计说明书 5

2.1 温焓表及物性参数表计算 6

2.2 蒸发量及热平衡计算 ......................................................................................8

2.3 过热器设计(热力计算、结构设计) 9

2.4 蒸发器设计(热力计算、结构设计) 15

2.5 省煤器设计(热力计算、结构设计) 22

第三章 结语 27

第四章 参考文献 28

第五章 致谢 30

第一章 引言

1.1 玻璃窑炉余热回收的设计研究意义

节能是我国经济和社会发展的一项长远战略方针,也是当前一项极为紧迫的任务。为推动全社会开展节能降耗,缓解能源紧张,建设节能型社会,促进经济社会可持续发展,实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,余热的利用是节约能源的重要措施, 工业废热废气严重污染环境,甚至畜牧业中动物消化过程中的含有甲烷的废气都会加剧温室效应,如何变废为宝,找到高效利用这些废气的方法已经迫在眉睫!






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