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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-11 21:43:51  


摘 要






Design and performance analysis of an Integrated computer radiatorfor pulsating heat pipe


In the Integrated computer, traditional Pulsating Heat pipe cooling doesn’t satisfy the cooling requirement because of the limit of the high integration and high performance. This design mainly studies how to apply Pulsating heat pipe with excellent cooling capacity on Integrated computer. The principle of Pulsating heat pipe and its working performance when applied on Integrated computer are analyzed.

The superiority of Pulsating heat pipe on cooling over other cooling modes is analyzed. The heat transfer mode is built, and the corresponding quantitative calculation is made. The mechanism of heat transfer in Pulsating heat pipe is analyzed. The thermal resistance and thermal performance are discussed and calculated with an example.

According to the character of cooling to Integrated computer, the heat transfer thermal resistance of different media of the pulsating heat pipe and the effect of the heat dissipation of the pulsating heat pipe are analyzed. Besides, through the relevant data and formula, calculate the cooling power and heat source of the cold side of the maximum temperature in different working conditions of the maximum meet the design requirements.

The choice of the wind speed of the whole computer cold side when the CPU and the video card's power, the environment temperature changes. And the cold side wind speed of the power and the environment temperature is analyzed.

Key word: Integrated compute; Pulsating heat pipe; heat transfer; numerical simulation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 脉动热管介绍 2

1.2.1脉动热管工作原理 2

1.2.2脉动热管的优点 2

1.3一体机散热介绍 3

1.3.1一体机的基本背景 3

1.3.2一体电脑的优势 4

1.3.3发展趋势 4

1.3.4散热功率 5

1.3.5散热部位 5

1.3.6已有的一体电脑热管散热系统介绍 5

1.4国内外研究成果介绍 6

1.5存在问题以及研究方向 9

第二章一体电脑散热系统参数设定 11

2.1一体机散热环境 11

2.1.2主散热元件 11

2.1.2 散热元件的散热环境 11

2.1.3散热核心原件的大小和极限温度 12

2.2 脉动热管的介质选择 12

2.3本章小结 14

第三章散热器结构设计 15

3.1系统简介 15

3.2 CPU和显卡散热器的设计 16

3.2.1导热片的材质选择 16

3.2.2导热片的形状和大小设计 17

3.2.3脉动热管的结构设计 17

3.2.4一体机冷端散热外壳的结构设计 18

3.2.5热管冷端鳍片的布置和鳍片的设计。 18

3.2.6脉动热管的热段与导热片的接触设计。 19

3.3 本章小结 19

第四章一体机脉动热管散热系统的热力计算 21

4.1热管热段与热源之间接触热阻的计算 21

4.2脉动热管工作介质、充液参数及热阻的确定 22

4.3 一体电脑冷端无鳍片散热性能的计算 22

4.3.1不带脉动热管冷端散热面积的计算 22

4.3.2 冷端冷却空气定性参数的确定 23

4.3.3 冷却空气的雷诺数 23

4.3.4 冷却空气努塞尔数的计算 24

4.3.5冷端外表面对流换热系数h的计算 25

4.3.6 不加鳍片时的换热量Q1 25

4.4鳍片的设计以及鳍片散热器性能计算 26

4.4.1鳍片的基本介绍 26

4.4.2鳍片的设计 27

4.4.3加入鳍片后的热力计算 27

4.5热源温度的核算 29

4.5.1核算具体内容 29

4.5.2 求冷端内部的温度 29

4.5.3脉动热管热侧的温度计算 30

4.5.4 CPU和显卡的温度计算 30

4.5.5各极限温度数据的计算 31

4.6冷端极限压降计算 32

4.7本章小结 32

第五章智能温控的设计 34

5.1 智能温控系统的设计 34

5.1.1温控系统的原理 34

5.1.2 温控系统的数据计算 34

5.2 温控系统的四季智能调整和四季散热分析 36

5.3 本章小结 36

第六章总结与展望 37

参考文献 38

致谢 41


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