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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-04-08 20:24:29  


摘 要





关键词: 分离式热管 高炉煤气 余热

The design of separate type gas preheater heat pipe


Blast furnace gas is a cleaner burning which fuel efficiency is not low. In the blast furnace combustion process, the initial temperature of the blast furnace gas enters the burner when low smoke emission and contains a lot of untapped preheating is not conducive to energy conservation and improve combustion efficiency. Based on this reality, the design of "separate type heat pipe gas preheater" to design a separate type heat pipe gas preheater to recover the blast furnace flue gas waste heat and preheat intake air temperature blast furnace gas, so as to achieve energy conservation, increase heat of combustion efficiency, energy conservation purposes.
Heat pipe gas preheater need to address the following issues: heat pipe heat transfer limits need to be considered to prevent the temperature is too high over the wall heating limit the occurrence of dangerous conditions; the hot side cold and flue gases is measured gas, dust content is high, easily between the wall fouling thereby reducing overall heat transfer efficiency.

First, check the literature to obtain specific components of blast furnace gas, according to the known gas intake air temperature to calculate thermal parameters; then exit flue gas temperature was assumed spreadsheet, spreadsheet obtained qualitative temperature flue gas, according to the composition of the gas get the flue gas composition and calculated flue gas temperature at the qualitative parameters calculated overall heat transfer coefficient to obtain a pressure drop within the tube, checking, calculated the number of tube rows. Reasonable selection windward wind speed, so that the device has a certain self-cleaning ability.

This topic is designed primarily refer to "thermal parameters Manual", pressure vessel design manual and heat exchanger design handbook, under the technical requirements permitting, try to design a reasonable and economical structure type, while meeting the manufacture, repair, assembly, transportation and maintenance requirements, design a separate type heat pipe heat side, cold test topic maps and construction drawings and total envelope diagram, and detailed bundle FIG. The mission statement of design results meet the design requirements, safety and economic and environmental requirements are qualified.

Key words: separate type heat pipe;blast furnace gas;wasted heat

目 录

摘 要 I

第一章 绪 论 3

1.1 换热器简介 3

1.2 煤气预热器的重要性及问题 4

1.2.1 重要性及问题 4

1.2.2 预防措施 4

1.3 热管换热器 4

1.3.1 热管的原理及基本特性 4

1.3.2 热管的应用 5

1.3.3 分离式热管预热器的工业应用 5

1.3.4 热管煤气预热器的特点 6

1.4 小结 6

第二章 热力计算及结构设计 8

2.1原始参数 8

2.2 烟气侧定性温度及参数 9

2.2.1计算传热量 9

2.2.2 烟气侧温升及热物性参数 10

2.2.3 烟气侧定性温度 11

2.3 热管煤气预热器设计 12

2.3.1 热管参数 13

2.3.2 确定迎风面面积及迎风面管排数 13

2.3.3 求总传热系数 14

2.3.4 求加热侧总传热面积 17

2.3.5 求所需热管数 17

2.3.6 求换热器纵深排数 17

2.3.7 求通过换热器的压力降 18

2.4 结构设计 19

2.4.1壳体结构设计 19

2.4.2 热管内部设计 20

2.4.3 联箱 20

2.4.1 施工图设计 20

2.5 强度校核 20

第三章 总 结 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 24





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