2022-04-03 22:40:13
摘 要
关键词:玻璃窑 余热锅炉 热管式
7 T/h modular glass furnace waste heat boiler design
Energy problem is a very important issue in the national economy, but at present the world suffers from the problem of energy shortage. China is a great country of consumption energy, In the process of industrial production, there is a great waste of resources. Stratification of primary energy and multiple use, improve the utilization of primary energy in the process of industry, reducing the total energy consumption is an important way to solve the energy problem.
This thesis is aimed at the problem of waste heat utilization in glass industry, describes the characteristics of the glass industry and the present situation of the utilization of the gas heat, introduces the characteristics and the use of some of the waste heat boiler, especially the application of waste heat boiler in the glass industry. In particular, the heat pipe type waste heat boiler with the best practical operation effect is introduced. This paper expounds its working principle, introduces the process of the application of heat pipe boiler on glass kiln, and compared with water tube type and tube array and fire tube type, shows the heat pipe Waste-heat boiler advantages and details of the heat pipe waste heat boiler and Waste-heat boiler main difference between the traditional parts of the heat pipe. This topic is designed primarily refer to "waste heat boiler design," Pressure Vessel Design Handbook and Heat Exchanger Design Manual. For the heat pipe type waste heat boiler of 7T/h, the suitable heat pipe is selected, and thermodynamic calculations, smoke resistance calculation, the strength of boiler drum and associated pressure components calculations. In the design calculation process, the first based on the heat balance equation, smoke and water inlet and outlet temperature, pressure, flow and other original parameters to calculate the heat transfer. Then through the heat pipe specifications and structural parameters, calculate the total heat transfer coefficient, and finally determine the number and arrangement mode of the heat pipe. Structure design to choose reasonable and suitable economic structure, while it satisfies the requirements of the manufacture, repair, assembly, transportation and maintenance etc. this design of the waste heat boiler construction general layout, modular graph, housing plans and the main parts graph.
key word:Glass furnace;Waste-heat boiler;Heat pipe type
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 IV
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 玻璃窑炉烟气及余热利用 1
1.2.1 玻璃窑烟气特点及排放 1
1.2.2 玻璃窑余热回收利用 2
1.2.3 玻璃窑余热利用的问题 3
1.3 玻璃业与余热锅炉 4
1.3.1 余热锅炉的发展 4
1.3.2 余热锅炉发电 5
1.3.3 玻璃行业应用的余热锅炉 5
1.4 玻璃窑热管式余热锅炉 6
1.4.1 热管技术 6
1.4.2 热管式余热锅炉的介绍 6
1.4.3 热管式余热锅炉的优势 7
1.5 展 望 8
第二章 热力计算 10
2.1 设计题目:7T/h玻璃窑组合式余热锅炉的设计 10
2.2 设计参数 10
2.3 烟气量计算 10
2.4 热管的选择与布置 12
2.5 蒸发器的计算 12
2.6 省煤器的计算 16
第三章 校 核 22
3.1 传热管的强度校核 22
3.1.1 热管的强度校核 22
3.2 汽包的强度校核 22
3.2.1 汽包筒体的强度校核 22
第四章 总 结 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 27
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
余热资源可归属为一种二次能源,它是由一次能源或其他可燃物料经燃烧等过程的转换结果形成的产物,是燃料在经过燃烧反应后所产生的热量在结束某种特定的工艺过程后所余留下来的热量。其一般分为:高温烟气余热、高温炉渣余热、高温蒸汽余热、高温产品余热、可燃废气余热、冷却介质余热、冷凝水余热、化学反应产物及残炭的余热等[1]。现今各个行业内能把环境保护和节约能源直接紧密联系的最佳热能利用设备便只有余热锅炉。在动力、冶金、建材、石油、轻工以及化工等工业部门,通过余热锅炉的利用来回收工业生产遗留的废弃余热用于制造高温蒸汽,并把蒸汽用在发电行业的能源提供和居民生活供热,满足人类的生产生活需求。为了能够减少生产使用的成本,改良工艺流程,更为了减少各种有害污染物的排放,余热利用技术将是最合适的选择[2]。玻璃工厂是耗能大户,其主要的耗能部分是玻璃窑炉[3] (其耗能量可占总耗能的75%以上)。玻璃制造行业大量留有较高的废热余热资源,诸如废气和废料余热、高温产品散发的余热、炉体结构散热、冷却介质吸收的余热、烟气余热等[4]。在这些余热中,烟气的余热含量约占有总消耗燃料能源的1/3以上,占了超过50%的余热资源,为主要的余热资源。
1.2 玻璃窑炉烟气及余热利用
1.2.1 玻璃窑烟气特点及排放
大部分的重油、石油焦粉、天然气以及煤制气都等等都是玻璃行业所使用的主要燃料。因各燃料特性均不同,玻璃窑炉烟气的产物成分也不尽相同[5]。如以重油为燃料的玻璃窑炉,它产生的烟气主要包括SO2、NOx及烟尘这三个部分,且烟气中还包含许多带酸性的气体如HF、HCL等,且烟尘的黏性较大,组成成分较复杂;而燃烧天然气和煤制气的玻璃窑炉,其烟气中的SO2及灰尘等的含量则比以重油为燃料的玻璃窑炉烟气少[6-7]。表1-1 为燃用各种燃料的玻璃窑炉产物烟气[8]。
表1-1 平板玻璃窑炉烟气污染物初始排放浓度(mg/m3)
1.2.2 玻璃窑余热回收利用