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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与环境系统工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 18:32:59  


摘 要




关键词: 核燃料循环 平衡物料流 一次性通过

Material flow calculation and quantitative analysis of once-through nuclear fuel cycle with light water reactor


In the past 50 years, development of the human economy has resulted in a rapid increase in energy consumption. Burning fossil fuels causes severe greenhouse effect. As a low-carbon energy source, nuclear energy has a calorific value several times higher than fossil fuels. Proper use of nuclear energy can greatly reduce the consumption of primary energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. More and more countries in the world are increasing their research on nuclear energy, and nuclear energy's share in the energy structure of various countries is also increasing.

There are three main nuclear fuel cycle options in the world: the once-through cycle(OTC) option、the thermal reactor recycle(TRR) and the fast reactor along with thermal reactor recycle(FRR). The fast reactor along with thermal reactor recycle is still in the laboratory stage. The first two schemes have been put into production. The pros and cons of these two schemes in the world are still controversial, and different countries have different choices. China clearly adopts the closed cycle policy. China's nuclear fuel cycle technology is not mature enough to truly implement a closed cycle route, so the once-through cycle program is still implemented.

This paper refers to the parameters of the currently operating commercial pressurized water reactor to establish a balanced material flow model. The results show that under the once-through cycle, 1TWh of electricity is generated, which consumes 20582.8kg of natural uranium, 15325.3kgSWU of separation work, and generates 2102.4kg of spent fuel. Comparing the utilization rate of nuclear resources and the output of radioactive nuclear waste with the closed thermal reactor cycle scheme, the once-through cycle scheme is not dominant. In addition, The cost of power generation is related to whether the form of power generation is accepted by the market. At the same time, the matching of technology and commercial facilities will also be the key to whether China can successfully implement the closed nuclear fuel cycle strategy.

Key words: nuclear fuel cycle equilibrium material flows once-through cycle

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1. 课题背景及意义 1

1.1.1. 我国核电发展背景 1

1.1.2. 我国铀资源储量 1

1.1.3. 我国核能发展状况 2

1.1.4. 国外核能发展状况 3

1.2. 核燃料循环方案概述及国内外发展定位 4

1.2.1. 核燃料循环概述 4

1.2.2. 国内外核安全监管体制 5

1.2.3. 国内外核燃料循环方案选择 7

1.3. 核燃料循环国内外分析研究现状 7

1.4. 本文的研究思路及研究结构 8

第二章 核燃料循环方案流程简述及平衡物质流计算 9

2.1. 核燃料循环方案流程 9

2.1.1. 一次通过循环方案前端流程简介 9

2.1.2. 一次通过循环方案 11

2.1.3. 闭式热堆循环方案 11

2.2. 一次通过循环方案物质流计算方法 12

2.2.1. 反应堆基本参数 12

2.2.2. 反应堆燃料成分及乏燃料成分 13

2.2.3. 一次通过循环方案物料流计算模型及基本公式 13

2.3. 一次通过循环方案物质流输入数据 15

2.4. 本章小结 16

第三章 平衡物质流计算结果及分析 18

3.1. 一次通过循环方案物料流计算结果 18

3.1.1. 一次通过循环方案物料流计算结果 18

3.2. 闭式热堆循环方案物料流计算结果 19

3.3. 物料流计算结果分析 21

3.3.1. 一次通过循环方案物料流计算结果分析 21

3.3.2. 一次通过循环方案与闭式热堆循环方案物料流计算结果分析 21

3.4. 两种循环方案物料流综合分析 25

3.5. 本章小结 25

第四章 结论和展望 27

4.1. 结论 27

4.2. 展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 32

第一章 绪论

    1. 课题背景及意义
      1. 我国核电发展背景



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