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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与环境系统工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 18:31:37  


摘 要



关键词:核燃料循环 经济性分析 综合效益 平准化发电成本

Economic analysis of the once-through nuclear fuel cycle option


Nuclear energy is a clean, efficient and new energy with development potential. In order to make better use of nuclear energy, this study conducts an economic analysis of the open nuclear fuel cycle (OTC) currently implemented in China. First, a detailed flow chart is drawn according to China's nuclear power development strategy and nuclear fuel cycle technology plan, and the balance material flow calculation is combined with the 1 GW standard pressurized water reactor parameters; then an economic model is built on the basis of the balance material flow calculation results, using Monte Carlo The simulation calculates the levelization cost of nuclear fuel cycle (LFCC) and the levelization cost of power generation (LCOE) when the discount rate is 0% and 5% respectively, and obtains the uncertainty simulation results. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of each component of the nuclear fuel cycle system is carried out .

Uncertainty analysis results show that: at a discount rate of 0%, the open nuclear fuel leveling cost (LFCC) is 3.18 ~ 11.67 mills/kWh, and the levelized power generation cost (LCOE) is 33.67 ~ 61.30 mills/kWh ; At a discount rate of 5%, the open nuclear fuel leveling cost (LFCC) is 3.52 ~ 11.51mills/kWh, and the levelized power generation cost (LCOE) is 32.70 ~ 61.27mills /kWh. The comparison shows that the cost of power generation at the two discount rates is not much different, but as the discount rate increases, the cost gap will become larger. In addition, according to the sensitivity analysis results, in the case of a discount rate of 5%, the components that affect LCOE from high to low are, in order, nuclear power plant investment costs, natural uranium prices, operation and maintenance costs, decommissioning and decontamination costs, The factors affecting the cost of uranium enrichment and uranium conversion are natural uranium, uranium enrichment, fuel manufacturing, spent fuel storage and uranium conversion.

Keywords: Nuclear fuel cycle; Economic analysis; Comprehensive benefits; Levelized energy costs

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract III

目录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 核燃料循环方案概述 4

1.2.1核燃料循环分类 5

1.2.2反应堆类型 5

1.2.3国内外核燃料循环的发展过程 6

1.3铀矿资源 6

1.3.1采矿方法 6

1.3.2铀矿储量及需求 8

1.4核电经济 10

1.5核安全 11

1.6核燃料循环经济性研究近况 11

1.7本文的研究任务与思路 12

第二章 燃料循环长期平衡物质流计算与经济性计算 14

2.1 反应堆基本参数 14

2.2 平衡物质流计算 14

2.3核燃料循环平准化计算公式 15

第三章 开式核燃料循环的经济性分析 17

3.1价格参数 17

3.1.1反应堆资本成本、运行和维护成本 17

3.1.2天然铀 18

3.1.3转化 18

3.1.4浓缩 19

3.1.5贫铀处置 20

3.1.6燃料制造 20

3.1.7乏燃料处置 20

3.2贴现率 21

3.3超前与滞后时间 21

3.4蒙特卡洛模拟 22

第四章 结果分析 23

4.1不确定性分析 23

4.2敏感性分析 26

4.3本章小结 28

第五章 结论与展望 29

5.1结论 29

5.2展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 33

第一章 绪 论


世界能源大多来自煤炭、天然气、石油等化石燃料,这些化石能源的使用会引起一系列问题,主要分为两方面,一方面,燃料中燃烧时会产生空气污染物如SO2、氮氧化物、CO、未燃烧的C、H化合物、炭粒和尘粒等,这些物质的大量排放会严重污染人类赖以生存的环境;另一方面化石燃料资源储量有限,在未来百年内煤炭、石油、天然气等化石燃料都将耗尽。与化石能源相比,核能是一种对环境影响极小的洁净能源,而且根据2018年12月经济合作与能源发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development- Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD-NEA)和国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)联合发布了《铀资源2018:资源、生产与需求》报告(即第27版“红皮书”,以下简称“红皮书”),目前的铀资源足够支持核能的发展,也足以支持长期的核电的增长。考虑到铀的需求为62825tU(截至2017年1月1日),可靠储量和推断储量在内的已探明铀储量可以维持超过130年的供应。如果我们能够充分利用所有的传统资源,那么可以超过245年[1]。同时,核电对煤电具有较强经济竞争力,OECD曾对不同能源经济竞争力进行比较,在贴现率为5%的前提下,核电比煤电或气电的经济性都好。总之,和平合理利用核能,有助于优化能源结构,解决能源供求矛盾;有助于减少化石能源使用,从而改善环境问题;还有助于寻找更好的能源布局[2]


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