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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 建筑电气与智能化 > 正文


 2022-05-24 21:26:52  


摘 要


关键词:办公楼 电气照明 供配电 防雷 接地

The Electrical Design of Ramp;D Building in Science Park of Nanjing Technology University


This building belongs to the second kind of high-rise buildings, the total area is 444000, the total height is. The content of this graduation design includes the design of electric lighting system, power system, the high and low voltage power distribution system in the substation, lightning protection system and ground connection system of Ramp;D building in science park of Nanjing Technology University. Among them, the electric lighting system is divided into the illumination system and the electrical system, moreover it also includes the emergency lighting system. I use light sources like fluorescent lamps and LED lights, the control mode of the lamps is the combination of centralized control and decentralized control, the way of power supply for lighting equipments is the combination of radial and trunk type; Power distribution system mainly uses the way of radial type for power supply; the motors start with total pressure or start step-down; We introduce 2 duplex feeding of 10 kV to substation, I choose single busbar without contact as the main wire of the high-pressure side,and single busbar with contact as the main wire of the low-pressure side,the transformers are dry type transformers.

The reactive power compensation concentrated in the low-voltage side.

This construction belongs to the third class lightning protection building. The lightning protection network on the roof surface is hot dip galvanized flat steel, using the column foundation reinforcement as downlead. I use the type of as the grounding method and set the base grounding network under the ground floor. In the substation, I set the main equipotential bonding. What’s more with reference to relevant specifications, I use a variety of energy conservation measures in this graduation project.

Key Words:Office Building; Electrical Lighting System; Power Supply and Distribution; Lightning Protection; Ground Connection

目 录

摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 系统概述 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2设计概述 1

第二章 电气照明系统 2

2.1照明系统设计 2

2.1.1照度、照明方式与控制策略选择 2

2.1.2照明光源与灯具选择 3

2.1.3照度计算及照明器布置 5

2.1.4距高比校核 11

2.1.5照明功率密度值校核 11

2.1.6照度校核 12

2.1.7统一眩光值计算 14

2.1.8其余房间电气照明系统设计详细参数 17

2.2照明配电系统设计 22

2.2.1照明配电系统设计原则 22

2.2.2确定照明设备计算负荷 23

2.2.3照明负荷计算 23

2.2.4典型照明配电线缆选型要求 29

2.2.5照明配电箱的选用 29

第三章 动力系统 30

3.1动力设备的配电方式 30

3.2消防用电设备的控制 30

3.2.1消火栓泵 30

3.2.2喷淋泵 30

3.2.3通风排烟风机 31

3.3其它动力设备的控制 31

3.3.1暖通设备 31

3.3.2电梯 31

3.3.3普通水泵 31

3.4各专业提供主要设备材料表 31

3.5动力配电系统设计 32

3.5.1动力配电系统设计原则 32

3.5.2确定动力设备计算负荷 32

3.5.3动力负荷计算及设备、电缆选型 34

第四章 供配电系统设计 37

4.1 电力负荷计算 37

4.1.1电力负荷分级 37

4.1.2电力负荷数据 37

4.1.3电力负荷计算 38

4.2无功功率补偿 42

4.2.1补偿前的变压器的容量与功率因数 42

4.2.2无功补偿容量 42

4.3变压器选择 43

4.3.1 变压器型式及台数选择 43

4.3.2 变压器容量选择 44

4.4短路电流计算 44

4.4.1短路电流计算说明 44

4.4.2变压器高低压侧短路电流计算 44

4.4.3照明回路的短路电流计算 47

4.4.4动力回路的短路电流计算 48

4.4.5高压一次设备的选择与校验 49

4.4.6高压母线的选择与校验 50

4.4.7高压侧进出线电缆的选择与校验 51

4.4.8低压一次设备的选择与校验 51

4.4.9低压母线的选择与校验 52

4.5电气设备及导线、电缆的选择 53

4.5.1高压电器设备及其选择 53

4.5.2低压电器设备及其选择 55

4.5.3电流互感器的选择 56

4.5.4电压互感器的选择 57

4.5.5导线、电缆的选择 57

4.6供配电系统主接线 59

4.6.1供电电源 59

4.6.2高压电气主接线 59

4.6.3低压电气主接线 59

4.7供配电系统的保护 60

4.7.1概述 60

4.7.2高压供配电线路的继电保护 60

4.7.3电力变压器的继电保护 61

4.7.4低压供配电系统的保护 63

4.8变配电所结构与布置 65

4.8.1变配电所平面布置的相关要求 65

4.8.2变配电所位置的选择 65

4.8.3变配电所的平面布置 66

第五章 防雷接地系统设计 67

5.1建筑物的防雷分类 67

5.2防雷措施 67

5.2.1防直击雷的措施 67

5.2.2防雷电波侵入的措施 68

5.3接地与安全 68

5.3.1接地要求 68

5.3.2安全措施 68

结束语 69

参考文献 70

致 谢 72

第一章 系统概述







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