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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 建筑电气与智能化 > 正文


 2022-04-12 20:00:57  


摘 要








Electrical design of the underground part of an electronic science and Technology Building


This system is designed for the underground part of an electronic science and technology building, including low voltage power distribution system, lighting system, power system, fire automatic alarm and linkage control system, integrated wiring system.

The design of low voltage distribution system in this design mainly includes the distribution mode, the distribution line protection design. In this design, the low-voltage power distribution system uses the 220/380V radiation and the tree trunk mode, the two stage load uses the double circuit power supply, in the end to each other, the three level load uses the single power supply.

The lighting system in this design mainly includes the choice and arrangement of the lamps and lanterns, the control mode choice, the illumination and the power density calculation and so on. T5 series three fluorescent lamp is mainly used in the design. The light source is equipped with an electronic ballast.

The power system design in this design mainly includes the socket arrangement, the reserved power equipment and so on. The design of power equipment mainly for various types of computer room, power reference general equipment.

The design of fire automatic alarm and linkage control system mainly is according to the fire compartment arrangement of detectors, fire calls, fire broadcasting, manual alarm button, and the audible and visual alarm and the connection to a layer of fire control room.

The design of the integrated wiring system is mainly in the corresponding room to place data and voice information points to connect to the network telephone room.

Keywords: Low voltage power distribution system;lighting system;power system;fire automatic alarm and linkage control system;integrated wiring system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 系统设计简介 1

1.2.2低压配电系统 1

1.2.3照明系统 1

1.2.4动力系统 1

1.2.5火灾自动报警及联动控制系统 2

1.2.6综合布线系统 2

第二章 低压配电系统 3

2.1负荷分级 3

2.1.1分级标准 3

2.1.2负荷分级确定及供电要求 3

2.2配电方式 4

2.2.1配电方式分类 4

2.2.2配电方式选择 4

2.2.3配电设备布置 4

2.3配电线路保护 4

2.3.1短路保护 4

2.3.2 过负荷保护 4

2.3.3接地故障保护 5

第三章 照明系统 6

3.1照度与照明方式选择 6

3.1.1照明照度设计标准 6

3.1.2照明方式选择 6

3.2光源与灯具的选择 7

3.3照度计算 8

3.3.1照度计算常用方法 8

3.3.2照度计算 9

3.4照明负荷计算 14

3.4.1一般原则 14

3.4.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 15

3.4.3照明负荷计算 15

3.5应急照明 17

3.5.1应急照明种类和照度要求 17

3.5.2应急照明灯具的布置和选用 18

3.5.3应急照明控制方式 18

第四章 动力系统 19

4.1动力系统方案设计 19

第五章 火灾自动报警及联动控制系统 20

5.1 系统概述 20

5.2 系统设计 20

5.2.1设备选择 20

5.2.2数量计算 21

5.3消防控制室 22

5.4手动火灾报警按钮的设置 22

5.5火灾声光警报器的设置 23

5.6消防应急广播的设置 23

5.7消防专用电话的设置 23

第六章 综合布线系统 24

6.1系统概况 24

6.2系统设计 25

6.2.1信息点的布置 25

6.2.2线缆长度计算 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 工程概况

本工程设计为实际假做,本工程建筑物:电子科技大楼(地下部分)。占地面积:7860.3m2,建筑面积69468m2 ,共二十三层(不含地下),主体二十三层,局部六层,一层层高5.1m,二层层高4.5m,三层层高4.5m,四层至六层局部层高4.5m,四层至二十三层主体层高3.6m,建筑物总高度82.5m,为一类高层建筑,耐火等级为一级。电源及弱电所需控制信号均埋地引入。

1.2 系统设计简介

1.2.2 低压配电系统

1. 在本设计中消防负荷按二级负荷供电;客梯、其他一般区域正常照明、空调等非消防负荷为三级负荷。


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