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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2020-05-04 21:22:13  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Schweitzer G, Bleuler H, Traxler A. Active magnetic bearings-basics, properties and application of active magnetic bearing. Switzerland: Hochschulverlag AG, 1994: 14~16. [2] Delamare J, Younet J P, Rulliere E. A compact magnetic suspension with only one axis control. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1994, 30(6): 4746~4748. [3] Silva I D, Horikawa O. An 1-DOF controlled attraction type magnetic bearing. International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, USA: IEEE, 1999: 481~483. [4] Silva I D, Horikawa O. An attraction-type magnetic bearing with control in a single direction. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2000, 36(4): 1138~1142. [5] Schweitzer G. Active magnetic bearings-chances and limitations. Sixth International Conference on Rotor Dynamic, Australia: Elsevier Ltd, 2002: 1~14. [6] Sortore C K, Allaire P E, Maslen E H, et al. Permanent magnet biased magnetic bearings-design, construction and testing. Second International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Japan: Technomic Publishing Company, 1990: 175~182. [7] LEE A C, Hsiao F Z, Dennil K. Analysis and testing of magnetic bearing with permanent magnets for bias. JSME International Journal, 1994, 37(4): 774~782. [8] LEE A C, Hsiao F Z, Dennil K. Performance limits of permanent-magnet-biased magnetic bearings. JSME International Journal, 1994, 37(4): 783~794. [9] Fukata Satoru, Yutani Kazuyuki. Analysis of magnetic systems of magnetic bearings biased with permanent magnets. Memories of Fac. Engg, Kyushu University, 1997, 57(1): 17~35. [10] Zhilichev Y. Analysis of a magnetic bearing pair with a permanent magnet excitation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2000, 36(5): 3690~3692. [11] Ehmanm C, Sielaff T, Nordmann R. Comparison of active magnetic bearings with and without permanent magnet bias. Ninth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, USA: University of Kentucky, 2004: 105~110. [12] Sortore C K, Allaire P E, Maslen E H, et al. Permanent magnet biased magnetic bearings-design, construction and testing. Second International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Japan: Technomic Publishing Company, 1990: 175~182. [13] Xu Y L, Dun Y Q, Wang X H, et al. Analysis of hybrid magnetic bearing with a permanent magnet in the rotor by FEM. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 1363-1366. [14] Jia H Y, Zhu H Q. Research of digital control system for single freedom hybrid magnetic bearing in the axial direction. Inspec, Proceeding of Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, China: IEEE, 2005: 1816~1820. [15] Xie Z Y, Zhu H Q, Sun Y K. Structure and control of AC-DC three DOF hybrid magnetic bearing. Inspec, Proceeding of Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, China: IEEE, 2005: 1801~1806.

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