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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-07-23 14:52:03  


摘 要



关键字:照明系统 低压配电 弱电系统 防雷系统 接地系统

Suzhou Industrial Park # 1 plant electrical design


The information network of modern society is established on the basis of electrification. Electrical technology in industrial construction is not only reducing the energy consumption but also improving efficiency and productivity. It reduce production cost, and has the vital significance to maintain the normal production of the enterprise.

The graduation design is for suzhou industrial park 1 # building electrical design. The design includes lighting, low voltage, grounding, lightning protection system, etc. This design is according to the design of the relevant national specifications and standards with the information related professional provided. Lighting system design includes the choice of lamps and lanterns, quantity calculation and the arrangement of lamps and lanterns, intensity of illumination and power density calculation; Low voltage power distribution design includes lighting and power load calculation, determines the distribution way according to the equipment size and load level. deciding he cable, bridge type, specification and deciding the control and protection electrical models, specifications is also included; Weak system includes fire hydrant pump button layout and the integrated wiring system of workshop office part; Lightning protection system includes plant lightning frequency calculation and that specific lightning protection; Grounding system in accordance with the relevant requirements for functional grounding system and protective grounding system design;

Key words: Lighting system ; Low voltage power distribution ; Weak systems ; Lightning protection system ; grounding system


摘要 I


第一章 系统概述 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2设计概述 1

第二章 照明系统 3

2.1照明设计概述 3

2.2普通照明设计 3

2.2.1灯具的选择 3

2.2.2照明设计标准及节能措施 4

2.2.3照度计算 9

2.2.4照明器布置 17

2.3应急照明 18

2.3.1应急照明的分类 18

2.3.2应急照明灯具选择 18

2.3.3应急照明灯布置和安装 19

2.3.4应急照明电源供电方式和线路敷设 19

第三章 低压配电系统 20

3.1低压配电系统基本设计原则 20

3.2本工程配电说明 20

3.3需要系数法计算负荷 21

3.3.1照明负荷计算 21

3.3.2动力负荷计算 24

3.3.3负荷计算统计 27

第四章弱电系统 39

4.1消火栓启泵按钮的布置 39

4.1.1消火栓启泵按钮的设置原则 39

4.1.2消火栓启泵按钮的接线 39

4.2综合布线系统设计 39

4.2.1系统设计和需求分析 39

4.2.2综合布线系统设计方案及要点 40

4.2.3综合布线系统具体设计 40

第五章防雷接地系统 43

5.1厂房防雷设计 43

5.1.1年预计雷击次数计算 43

5.1.2第三类防雷建筑防雷要求 44

5.1.3本次建筑避雷带、避雷网、引下线的设计 45

5.2厂房接地系统 45

参考文献 47

致谢 48

第一章 系统概述


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