2022-06-04 22:54:08
摘 要
关键词: LC滤波器;驱动系统;三相逆变器;矢量控制
Research on the performance and control of the drive system with LC filter
Currently, more frequent PWM inverters in commercial, industrial and residential systems, such as a large part of the motor drive system is to use PWM technology. The application of the three-phase inverter, because the asymmetry of the pulse output, there must be a common-mode voltage systems. Studies have shown that, PWM inverter generates high frequency common mode voltage and a large dv / dt to system brings a lot of negative effects, such as common-mode voltage, common-mode current, axial current, motor terminal overvoltage (due to motor and PWM inverter with long cables cause interference) and electromagnetic and the like. Since the enforcement of the electromagnetic compatibility standards, so electromagnetic interference PWM inverter motor drive system generated more attention has been paid. In order to meet international EMC standards, essential improvements is to add a filter set[1].
LC filter, also called passive filter, the filter circuit by different combinations of L, C and R are constituted, can filter out one or more harmonics, passive filter structure is easy to adopt the most common The inductors and capacitors in series, can constitute the main harmonic low-impedance bypass; single-tuned filter, double-tuned filter, a high pass filter are all passive filters. Passive filter has a simple structure, low cost, reliable, low running costs, etc., is still the mainstream of harmonic treatment methods. LC filter is generally used for more precise form factor case, narrowband, requires the filtered waveform steep edge, it is unavailable. Under normal circumstances, LC filter is divided into two star structure and triangular structure.
In this paper, the drive system with a passive filter for the study, through the filter works, the steady-state model, small-signal analysis, and based on the actual design requirements, design drive systems with passive exchange filter, and late adjustment of the filter were studied. The main contents of this paper include: research phase induction motor vector control principle works and study the effects of LC filter inverter motor performance based on the specific design of the LC filter of the drive system, and are familiar with the power electronics simulation study Software SABER, SABER platform on a platform for simulation.
Contents of this paper to filter the field to join the drive system more in-depth research and application has a certain theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords: LC filter; Drive system; Three phase inverter; Vector control
目 录
Abastract......................................................................................... II
- 绪论.................................................................................... 1
1.1 滤波器的背景及意义....................................2
1.2 滤波器国内外发展状况..................................3
1.3 驱动系统简介..........................................4
1.4 驱动系统矢量控制发展状况.............................5
1.5 本文研究的内容.......................................7
- 驱动系统控制技术与性能研究.......................................7
2.1 三相感应电机工作原理................................8
2.2 三相感应电机矢量控制原理............................9
2.3 矢量控制的坐标变换..................................10
2.3.1 Clarke变换.....................................11
2.3.2 Park变换.......................................13
2.3.3 直角坐标系和极坐标系间的变换...................14
2.4 本章总结............................................15
- 加入滤波器的作用与效果................................................16
3.1 滤波器对三相逆变器的影响...........................16
3.2 基于LC滤波器的逆变器对于三相电机的影响...........16
3.3 LC滤波器的结构....................................18
3.4 加入滤波器的作用...................................20
3.4.2 共模电流(漏电流)............................21
3.4.3 轴电压......................................21
3.4.4 轴电流......................................22
3.4.5 电机端子过电压..............................23
3.5 本章总结..........................................23
- 带LC滤波器的驱动系统的设计与仿真......................24
4.1 滤波器的设计......................................24
4.1.1 滤波器系统图..................................24
4.1.2 滤波器参数设计原理.............................24
4.2 驱动系统加入滤波器的仿真...........................28
4.3 本章小结 .........................................30
- 总结与展望....................................................................31
5.1 总结........................................31
5.2 展望.........................................31
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