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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-05-31 22:25:39  


摘 要



关键字:节能降耗 电力需求侧管理 经济指标 计算软件

Enterprise energy-saving electrical energy cost-benefit analysis


Energy-saving and ejection-decreasing is a task of all the society during the 11th five-years plan. And it is also an important factor to build the harmonious society. The central content of this project is analyzing the situation of energy and efficiency of the enterprises, and analyzing the potential of the energy-saving of the enterprises by the DSM technologies. By this way, the economic benefits and the social benefits of the enterprises can be improved. To the demand side of the power, if the DSM technologies can be used reasonably to increase the efficiency of the power termination and reduce the power energy, the cost of the power and the consumption of the energy can be reduced, while, it can also prevent the greenhouse air to the atmosphere. That is to say, it can protect the environment. To Choose an industry, to analyze the potential of saving energy in quantity by using idiographic technologies of elevating the efficiency of energy utilization, and to analyze the cost efficiency by the way of analyzing the benefit of energy-saving and economy, and the harmonious development of the enterprises is beneficial to the society and the environment.

The topic chosen is one of China's high energy-consuming industries in the textile industry. As we all know, the textile industry is a kind of energy and raw material consumption of a class of labor-intensive than large enterprises. Textile enterprises to maximize profits, we must lay emphasis on the energy saving aspects. If the power from a professional point of view, analyze some of the textile industry for enterprises to adopt various DSM measures, not only can guide enterprises to reduce economic costs, but also bring substantial environmental benefits to society as a whole.

Key words: Energy-saving , Demand side management (DSM),

Indexes of economy, Calculation software


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2 需求侧管理概述 2

1.3 本文的主要研究工作 3

第二章 常见电力需求侧管理节能技术 5

2.1 交流电动机调速运行技术 5

2.2 电动机系统节能 7

2.3 节能配电变压器及经济运行 8

2.4 绿色照明技术 9

2.5 无功自动补偿技术 10

2.6 小结 12

第三章 纺织行业企业的能耗现状 14

3.1 纺织企业能源消耗现状 14

3.2 主要用电设备效率分析 14

3.3 节能技术推广应用 15

3.4 节能技术发展趋势 16

第四章 经济效益分析及软件介绍 17

4.1 用户侧DSM改造的计算公式及其中一些经济学概念的介绍 17

4.1.1用户侧计算公式 17

4.1.2 经济学概念介绍 17

4.2 设备价格参考表 19

4.2.1高效变压器价格表(出自中国电器工业协会变压器分会) 19

4.2.2 Y系列(普通)电动机价格(出自南通猛牛电机有限公司价格表) 21

4.2.3 P9系列适合风机、水泵变频器价格表(出自深圳市英威电气有限公司价格表) 23

4.2.4 照明设备价格表(出自深圳市英威电气有限公司价格表) 23

4.3各技改措施单位功率改造价格及其节电率 24

4.3.1 照明类单位功率改造价格及节电率 24

4.3.2 电力拖动装置调速类单位功率改造价格及节电率 24

4.3.3 高效电机及其拖动装置类单位功率改造价格及节电率 25

4.3.4 高效变压器类单位功率改造价格及节电率平均单位功率价格 25

4.3.5 空调类单位功率改造价格及节电率 26

4.4 经济效益指标的计算 26

4.5 软件的界面介绍 26

4.6 软件计算结果分析 28

4.7 对软件的简单评价 31

4.8 小结 31

第五章 总结 32

致谢 34

参考文献 35

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景



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