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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-05-31 22:03:40  


摘 要




关键词:锂离子超级电容器 电路等效模型 SOC估算研究


The Research of Lithium-ion Super Capacitor


Energy is basis for the development of society and economy and people's life. But with the gradual depletion of resources, environmental pressures and energy demand, what’s more, in order to meet the needs of consumers, people are studying a new type of energy. They has been developed and applied hybrid power, fuel cell, chemical battery products, and made great progress. Therefore, the research of renewable energy has became the trend of the world development.

Since the emergence of the lithium-ion super capacitor, super capacitor is expanding rapidly in global market, and has become the highlight of the new industry in the field of chemical power. In China, the use of the super capacitor can reduce oil consumption, reduce dependence on oil imports, and effectively solve the problem of pollution of city tail gas and acid battery. Lithium-ion super capacitor is a new hybrid device. It has fast charge and discharge rate, long life, free of pollution and this friendly characteristics can partially replace conventional chemical batteries. lithium-ion super capacitor has great advantage than the traditional chemical batteries in operation, therefore, it has been widely concerned by scientists at home and abroad.

This paper introduces the background, present situation and the prospect of lithium-ion super capacitor. After the introduction of basic theory in detail, we focuses on lithium- ion super capacitor function, that’s carry out a series experiment in comprehensive test platform, and to analyze the capacity, internal resistance, charge and discharge rate characteristics. Through obtaining the actual test data, and combining with structural characteristics of lithium-ion super capacitor itself, we should set up a practical equivalent circuit model, use the super capacitor group as a whole modeling method to estimate the state of charge. At last, the accuracy of the model is verified by Matlab/simulink model. Therefore, the experimental results show that the model has the higher accuracy and can reflect the dynamic characteristic of the lithium-ion super capacitor accurately.

Key words: Lithium-ion super capacitor; Equivalent circuit model; SOC estimation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 锂离子超级电容器的研究背景 1

1.2 锂离子超级电容器的现状 2

1.2.1 国内外锂离子超级电容器的介绍及应用 2

1.2.2 锂离子超级电容器面临的问题 4

1.3 锂离子超级电容器的应用前景 5

1.4 本文主要研究内容 6

第二章 锂离子超级电容器的原理及性能分析 8

2.1 锂离子超级电容器的基本原理 8

2.2 锂离子超级电容器的分类 10

2.3 锂离子超级电容器的主要性能参数 11

2.4 本文的测试平台和研究对象的简介 14

2.4.1 测试平台的简介 14

2.4.2 研究对象的简介 14

2.5 锂离子超级电容器的性能研究 15

2.5.1 内阻特性 15

2.5.2 容量特性 16

2.5.3 充放电效率特性 17

2.5.4 放电倍率特性 18

2.5.5 单体的一致性 18

2.6 本章小结 19

第三章 锂离子超级电容器的建模及模型分析 20

3.1 基于物理结构的模型 22

3.2 基于外部表征的电气特性的模型 23

3.2.1 经典模型 23

3.2.2 梯形模型 25

3.3 基于动态结构的模型 25

3.3.1 三支路模型 25

3.3.2 三支路模型的改进模型 27

3.4 基于阻抗特性的模型 27

3.5人工神经网络模型 29

3.6本章小结 29

第四章 锂离子超级电容模型的仿真及实验验证 31

4.1 锂离子超级电容的等效模型 31

4.2 锂离子超级电容的数学模型 34

4.3 锂离子超级电容的simulink 模型与仿真 36

4.3.1 锂离子超级电容的simulink 模型 36

4.3.2 锂离子超级电容simulink 模型的仿真 36

4.4本章小结 39

第五章 总结与展望 40

参考文献 41

致 谢 44

第一章 绪论

1.1 锂离子超级电容器的研究背景



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