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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文

异步电动机转矩控制软起动研究 (适合电气B方向)毕业论文

 2022-05-27 22:41:05  


摘 要



关键词:异步电动机 软启动 转矩控制软启动 晶闸管调压

Study on soft start of asynchronous motor torque control


This paper first describes the current situation in the field of motor soft-start technology development at home and abroad as well as the focus of the study. Followed by asynchronous motor explain the working principle and mathematical model, and then start to understand the characteristics of the motor. In a comprehensive comparative analysis of various characteristics of the traditional way to start on the basis of proposed having Torque Control Thyristor Surge soft-start method. And details of how it works, and various soft-start mode. This paper conducted the simulation results and comparison of the two soft-start mode control strategy studies to start in-depth study of torque control feature soft start technology.

In full knowledge of the motor startup characteristics on the basis of this article we describe the soft start of the main circuit blocks have been designed to control and soft start mode and simulation. The main circuit modules each module are analyzed in detail. Including the selection of the main circuit, power circuit, circuit, SCR regulator circuit, synchronous voltage pulse generating circuit, etc.. But also on the motor direct start, current limit soft-start and soft-start torque control were analyzed and compared the control strategy, and conduct a mat lab simulation. The simulation results show that the torque control soft starter can sufficiently limit the motor starting current, the induction motor can start with a load smoothly, effectively eliminating the impact of the system, with good flexibility. By analyzing the simulation, you can know, by induction motor starting torque control, can effectively reduce the acceleration torque, the starter is more stable, less impact on the system.

Keywords:Asynchronous motor;Soft start;Torque control soft start;Thyristor voltage adjustment

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 异步电动机软启动技术国内外的研究现状 1

1.3 本研究课题的主要工作 3

第二章 异步电动机软启动技术 4

2.1 异步电动机工作原理与数学模型 4

2.1.1异步电动机数学模型 4

2.1.2 异步电动机工作原理 5

2.2 异步电动机传统的启动方式 5

2.2.1 直接启动 5

2.2.2 串电抗启动 7

2.2.3 星型-三角形启动 7

2.3异步电动机软启动方式 9

2.3.1 软启动概述 9

2.3.2 斜坡电压软启动 9

2.3.3斜坡电压加限流软启动 10

2.3.4转矩控制软启动 11

2.3.5 几种软启动方式的比较 12

2.4本章小结 13

第三章 异步电动机转矩控制软启动的建模及仿真 14

3.1前言 14

3.2主电路的选型及控制 15

3.2.1主电路元件的选择 15

3.2.3晶闸管调压模块 18

3.2.4 同步电压模块 22

3.2.5六脉冲发生模块 22

3.2.6输出模块 23

3.3异步电动机软启动器控制策略与仿真分析 24

3.3.1限流软启动的控制策略 24

3.3.2转矩控制软启动的控制策略 24

3.3.3系统仿真分析 26

3.4本章小结 31

第四章 结论与展望 32

4.1结论 32

4.2展望 32

参考文献: 33

致谢 35

第一章 绪论

1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义

鼠笼式三相异步电动机因为价格较其他异步电动机相对便宜并且维护保养费用低等优点已经成为目前市场上使用最多的电动机。但采用直接启动方式使电动机启动时,由于没有反电势,所以电机将会产生额定电流 4~7倍的冲击电流,部分国产的电机甚者达到9-12倍,巨大的冲击电流可能会导致电网的电压暂降,对于高压电动机,当它直接启动时,还会影响到电网其它用电设备的正常工作,更有甚者,可能会引发电机绝缘绕组短路造成笼条断裂,而烧毁异步电动机。

除此之外,当异步电动机直接启动时,它的冲击转矩也将近是运行中异步电机的额定 转矩的两倍多,巨大的冲击转矩会给系统的负载和电动机的设备带来不可避免的机械冲击和磨损。同时,电动机的直接停机也会对整个系统造成冲击。尤其是水泵系统的水锤效应,会对阀门和管道内壁产生强烈的损坏作用。异步电机的启动电流太大,对异步电机自身,电力网,负载均有较多不利的影响。另外,相对较大的启动脉动,较小的启动转矩也限制了电机的使用范围。因此,去研究异步电机的启动过程和性能,就显得非常有意义[1]


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