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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-05-27 22:40:42  


摘 要






The Research on Soft Switching Technology of DC-DC Converter


With the development of power electronics, switching power is developing toward the direction of miniaturization, high-frequency, high-capacity, high performance. However, with the increase of the switching frequency, the switching loss becomes the main loss in the circuit. The effective way to solve the switching loss is to use soft switching technology.

In this paper, we summarize the development and status of DC-DC converter soft switching technology. We discussed the basic principle of soft switching technology and circuit topology. A comparison is made between the different converter, and sum up the advantages and disadvantages of each converter.

The paper is based of BUCK circuit. We discuss zero current switching quasi resonant converter, zero voltage switching quasi resonant converter, zero voltage switching multi resonant converter and ZCS-PWM converter. The working process of each stage of the converter is analyzed, and the design principle of the soft switching parameters is given.

In this paper, the BUCK circuit of the hard switching, zero current switching quasi resonant converter, zero voltage conversion PWM converter is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results show that the zero current switching and zero voltage conversion PWM converter can realize zero current switching and zero voltage switching.

Keywords:soft switching; quasi resonant converter; PWM converter; zero current switching; zero voltage switching

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 软开关技术的背景与意义 1

1.2 软开关技术的国内外发展现状 1

1.3 软开关技术的分类 2

1.4 研究思路和技术方法 3

第二章 软开关电路的工作原理 5

2.1 准谐振变换器 5

2.1.1 零电流谐振开关 5

2.1.2 零电压谐振开关 6

2.1.3 多谐振开关 6

2.2 PWM变换器 7

2.2.1 零开关PWM变换器 7

2.2.2 零转换PWM变换器 9

2.3 本章小结 10

第三章 BUCK型DC-DC变换器软开关电路工作过程分析 11

3.1 BUCK型零电流开关准谐振变换器 11

3.2 BUCK型零电压开关准谐振变换器 13

3.3 BUCK型零电压开关多谐振变换器 14

3.4 BUCK型ZCS-PWM变换器 16

3.5 BUCK型ZVT-PWM变换器 19

3.6 本章小结 23

第四章 BUCK型DC-DC变换器软开关电路建模与分析 25

4.1 硬开关下BUCK电路建模分析 25

4.1.1 仿真模型 25

4.1.2 参数选择 25

4.1.3 仿真波形 25

4.2 零电流开关准谐振变换器下BUCK电路建模分析 26

4.2.1 仿真模型 26

4.2.2 参数选择 27

4.2.3 仿真波形 28

4.3 零电压转换PWM变换器下BUCK电路建模分析 29

4.3.1 仿真模型 29

4.3.2 参数选择 30

4.3.3 仿真波形 30

4.4 本章小结 31

结语 33

参考文献 34

致谢 35

第一章 绪论

1.1 软开关技术的背景与意义

传统的DC- DC变换器技术,是一种硬开关技术。硬开关(Hard Switching)指开关导通时两端电压不能立即降为零或关断时电流不能立即将为零,导致电压电流重合部分比较大,开关损耗比较大。而且,开关电压电流应力和电压电流变化率使得了开关不能向高频化发展。若要提高开关频率,就必须要减小开关损耗。若要减小开关损耗,就要实现开关管的软开关(Soft Switching)。软开关技术通常指零电压开关(Zero Voltage Switching),简称ZVS和零电流开关(Zero Current Switching),简称ZVS。软开关就是指开关导通时电压降为零或者关断是电流降为零,使得电压电流的重合部分基本为零,使得损耗为零。



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