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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-05-26 21:44:17  


摘 要

介质阻挡放电(dielectric barrier discharge, DBD)是一种有绝缘介质插入放电空间的非平衡态气体放电形式,也称为介质阻挡电晕放电或者无声放电。大气压均匀介质阻挡放电可以在常温下产生稳定、高能量密度的低温非平衡等离子体,在臭氧合成、材料表面改性、等离子体显示以及环境保护等工业领域具有广阔的应用前景。因此,研究这种放电对于深入理解DBD的放电特性和机理、优化DBD反应器设计、提高其工作效率及实现大规模工业应用具有十分重要的意义。



关键词:介质阻挡放电 低温等离子体 放电机理 仿真模型 影响因素

Study on Electrical Modeling and Simulation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge


Dielectric barrier discharge is a non-equilibrium gas discharge with inserting dielectric into discharge space, also referred as dielectric barrier corona discharge or silent discharge. DBD is an easy way to generate stable, high energy density low-temperature non-equilibrium plasma at atmospheric pressure. Currently, homogeneous DBD has been widely used in ozone generation, material surface treatment, plasma displays, environment protection, and other industrial fields. So study on DBD has a significant meaning on understanding its discharge mechanism and electrical characteristic deeply, optimizing DBD reactor design, improving the discharge efficiency and making a large scale of industrial applications.

This paper first introduces the development of DBD plasma and its application. According to DBD’s discharge mechanism, establish a high-frequency homogeneous DBD devices and experimental measurement system in the laboratory. Then through experimental study on homogeneous DBD of different gases, voltage and dielectric at atmospheric pressure, an equivalent electrical model of homogeneous DBD is built to better reflect practical situation of the discharge. Simulation figures are get though building a dynamic simulation model by using Matlab/Simulink to simulate homogeneous DBD. With the established model, discharge characteristic is analyzed after verifying its correctness by changing the amplitude of applied AC voltage. Subsequently, by changing the parameters of electrical source, gas type, air gap distance, and dielectric constant to study how various factors affect the results of simulation.

The results show that homogeneous DBD dynamic simulation model is feasible. The number of voltage and current waveform pulse and their amplitude and duration by simulation is basically consistent with experimental results, which provides actual value for further homogeneous DBD simulation model design and it’s engineering applications.

Key Words: dielectric barrier discharge; plasma; discharge mechanism; simulation model; influencing factors

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1气体放电等离子体概述 1

1.2 介质阻挡放电的背景及应用 2

1.3 介质阻挡放电的历史和研究现状 3

1.3.1 介质阻挡放电的历史 3

1.3.2 介质阻挡放电的研究现状 4

1.4 本文的主要研究内容 6

第二章 介质阻挡放电的原理及特性 7

2.1气体放电理论 7

2.1.1 汤逊理论 7

2.1.2 流注理论 8

2.2 介质阻挡放电机理 9

2.3 大气压均匀DBD的产生方法和放电机理 12

2.4 均匀DBD的等效电气模型和放电参数计算方法 15

2.4.1 均匀DBD的等效模型 15

2.4.2 均匀DBD的放电参数计算方法 16

第三章 均匀DBD实验装置和测量系统的建立 19

3.1 实验方案的确定 19

3.2 实验装置的构建 19

3.3 均匀DBD的放电特性及参数 21

第四章 均匀DBD动态仿真模型的建立及仿真研究 23

4.1 均匀DBD动态仿真模型的建立 23

4.2均匀DBD的仿真条件和实例 26

4.3 单脉冲均匀DBD仿真研究 27

4.4 多脉冲均匀DBD仿真研究 27

4.5 本章小结 28

第五章 均匀DBD影响因素仿真研究及反应器优化 29

5.1 均匀DBD影响因素仿真研究 29

5.1.1 电源参数的影响 29

5.1.2 气体成分的影响 32

5.1.3 气隙距离的影响 33

5.1.4 介质厚度的影响 34

5.1.5 介质介电常数的影响 36

5.2 DBD反应器优化设计 37

5.2.1 用于臭氧合成时的DBD反应器参数优化 38

5.2.2 用于材料改性的DBD反应器参数优化 38

5.2.3 用于环境保护的DBD反应器参数优化 38

5.3 本章小结 39

第六章 结论 40

参考文献 41

致谢 45

第一章 绪论





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