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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-13 20:10:57  


摘 要


本文基于目前电动汽车充电桩充电硬件系统的技术特点,研究探讨了车载动力电池的充放电原理及其规律和目班 级: 电气1202

姓 名:阮子晨




关键词:充电模块 整流滤波电路 充电控制器

The Design of Charging Hardware System of Electric Vehicle

Charging Pile


With the development of society brought about by the energy crisis, environmental protection and other issues have become increasingly prominent, the electric car for the discharge of pollutants, does not consume the precious oil resources and advantages in the current era of the rapid development, and the rapid development of electric vehicles has driven the development of the related closely with an industry the rise of electric vehicle charging pile construction, and with the national network and South Network and various electrical power energy company in the gradual implementation of the country large quantities of charging pile construction planning, charging pile construction has entered a rapid development track.

The based on the current electric vehicle charging charging pile of hardware system, the technical characteristics, the study examines the car battery charge and discharge principles and rules and current commonly used in the battery quick charging technology. Then, combined with the itself needs to be given a life cycle of positive and negative square wave voltage charging battery, charging solution, and then combined with the power electronic technology and single-chip technology, design of the DC charging the main circuit and control circuit of the charging pile hardware system.

In the charging pile charging hardware circuit design, the use of the isolated DC-DC converter technology and pulse width modulation control technology. Is used in the design of the main circuit of the three-phase full bridge converter, it is the input power grid three-phase 380V alternating current conversion voltage adjustable direct current to charge the battery, charging master controller chip used is PIC16F877 microcontroller, through communication with BMS (battery management system), get battery electromotive force and the state parameters, and the physical quantity to measure the charging pile of output voltage and output current, feedback to the control chip for processing and driving control circuit ( On-off of IGBT), so as to realize the control of the car battery automatic charging process. Main circuit of voltage and current parameters and drive circuit and high-frequency transformer temperature are by the controller in real time monitoring, in order to achieve fault self diagnosis.

Key Words: Charging module; Rectifier filter circuit; Charging controller;

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景和研究意义 1

1.2充电桩的国内外发展现状 3

1.2.1充电桩的国内发展现状 3

1.2.2电动汽车充电桩的国外发展现状 4

1.3电动汽车充电桩的前景分析 5

1.4本文的研究内容 5

第二章 现行充电桩的分类及其接口标准 6

2.1现有电动汽车充电桩的分类 6

2.2充电桩的充电接口 6

2.2.1交流充电桩的接口 7

2.2.2直接充电桩的接口 8

2.3本章小结 10

第三章 动力电池特性分析及其充电方案设计 11

3.1动力电池及其性能指标介绍 11

3.2常用动力电池介绍 12

3.2.1铅酸蓄电池 12

3.2.2镍镉蓄电池 13

3.2.3锂离子蓄电池 14

3.3蓄电池充放电特性分析 15

3.3.1蓄电池充放电的基本物理概念 15

3.3.2蓄电池的充放电特性 17

3.3.3电池可接受的充电电流曲线 19

3.4马斯定律 21

3.5充电方法和充电控制技术 21

3.5.1常见的充电方法 21

3.5.2充电控制技术 24

3.6 电动汽车充电方案的总体设计 25

3.6.1充电方法和控制技术的选择 25

3.6.2充电控制技术的选择 26

3.6.3充电硬件系统的总体设计 27

3.7本章小结 27

第四章 直流充电桩的充电硬件系统设计 28

4.1直流充桩的总体结构 28

4.2充电模块的原理及其总体设计 29

4.3充电主电路设计 30

4.3.1充电电源及其拓扑结构选择 30

4.3.2充电电源主电路设计 31

4.4充电控制器的设计 32

4.4.1充电控制器的总体结构设计 32

4.4.2中控单元设计 33

4.4.3数据采集电路设计 34

4.4.4 PWM信号产生电路设计 37

4.4.5驱动电路设计 37

4.4.6串行通信电路设计 38

4.5本章小结 39

第五章 直流充电桩的其他模块设计 40

5.1主控单元 40

5.2辅助电源电源电路设计 40

5.3 Flash电路设计 41

5.4人机接口电路设计 43

5.5本章小结 44

第六章 总结与展望 45

6.1全文总结 45

6.2本文展望 46

参考文献 47

致谢 49


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