2022-04-13 20:09:28
摘 要
- 本文主要使用的是双介质阻挡反应器,在研究条件下,气体氛围是的混合,设计研究在不同情况下处理废气的去除率变化。
- 主要研究峰值电压、气体流量、氧气浓度和初始浓度等参数条件的改变对和气体转化率产生的影响,以此来确定氮氧化物去除率的变化。得到的实验结果是。14~21kV的峰值电压时,电压增大,和的去除率变大;在0~8%的氧气浓度增大,会导致它去除率降低,对于NOx的去除率的影响更大;600~1500ml/min的气体流量下,当它变大时,和的去除率在减小。
- 本文着重研究了3种不同情况下产生的O3氮氧化物去除率的变化。O2、O2和N2分别通过等离子放电装置、还有O2、N2、NO一起通过等离子放电装置的不同情况下氮氧物化去除率的变化。
- 观察在有催化剂时,对废气去除率的影响,并考虑其反应速度。
关键词:等离子体 介质阻挡放电 炼油厂废气 NOx 去除率
Design of experimental system for plasma waste gas treatment in Refinery
Due to oil refineries produce large amounts of waste gas to deal with, so this paper mainly adopts the is dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology to treatment of refinery waste gas, focuses on the refinery gas nitrogen oxide waste gas processing. Low temperature plasma technology to deal with waste gas has the advantage of low cost, the equipment covers an area of small, the actual operating costs are not high, it will not cause two pollution of the environment. Therefore, it is of great significance to use the plasma to deal with the waste gas in refinery. The experimental equipment used in this paper is a double dielectric barrier reactor, and the design of the nitrogen oxide removal rate under different conditions is designed and studied.
Specific experimental design and analysis:
1 in this paper, the main use of the two dielectric barrier reactor, under the conditions of the study, the gas atmosphere is mixed, design and research in different cases to deal with the removal rate of waste gas change.
2 the main design of the different conditions is the peak voltage, gas flow, oxygen concentration and initial concentration. The change of nitrogen oxide removal rate was determined by the change of their changes. The obtained experimental results are. 14~21kV peak voltage, the voltage is increased, and the removal rate; in 0-8% oxygen concentration is increased, will lead to its removal rate decreased, the impact of NOx removal rate of greater; 600~1500ml/min gas flow, when it becomes large, and the removal rate in reducing.
3 this paper focuses on the study of 3 O3 nitrogen oxide removal rate under different conditions. Respectively, through the plasma of only O2, O2 and N2 together through, as well as O2, N2, NO together through the different conditions of nitrogen oxygen material removal rate of change.
4 the effect of catalyst on the rate of waste gas removal was observed, and the reaction rate was also considered
Key words: plasma; dielectric barrier discharge;refinery waste gas;NOx;removal rate
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题意义 1
1.2 炼油厂恶臭污染废气的概述 1
1.2.1 恶臭气体的基本概念 1
1.2.2 恶臭污染的主要危害和特点 2
1.2.3 恶臭污染的测定及评价方法 2
1.3 国内外恶臭气体处理技术研究现状 3
1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 5
第二章 介质阻挡放电等离子体基本理论 7
2.1 等离子体概述 7
2.1.1 等离子体的概念 7
2.1.2 等离子的性质及其分类 7
2.2 低温等离子体 7
2.2.1 低温等离子体的特点 7
2.2.2 低温等离子体的分类 9
2.3 介质阻挡放电 10
2.3.1 介质阻挡放电反应器类型 10
2.3.2 介质阻挡放电的特点 11
2.3.3 介质阻挡放电的物理过程 12
第三章 实验装置和实验步骤 14
3.1 实验装置 14
图3.1 处理氮氧化物的实验图 14
3.1.1 气体配置单元 14
3.1.2 放电反应单元 15
3.1.3 分析检测单元 15
3.2 实验步骤 16
第四章 实验方案设计 17
4.1峰值电压对氮氧化物影响的设计 17
4.2氧气含量对氮氧化物影响的设计 19
4.3初始浓度对氮氧化物影响的设计 20
4.4气体流量对氮氧化物影响的设计 20
4.5等离子产生臭氧对氮氧化物影响的设计 21
4.5.1O2单独经过等离子体后与NO和N2混合 21
4.5.2 O2 N2先经过等离子体与NO混合 22
4.5.3 O2 N2 NO共同经过等离子体 23
4.6不同流量的O2对氮氧化物影响的设计 24
4.7 本章小结 25
第五章 探讨与展望 26
5.1 本文探讨 26
5.2本文展望 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30
- 绪论
1.1 课题意义
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