2022-04-12 20:07:46
摘 要
关键词:温度控制 模糊PID MATLAB仿真
Simulation on Fuzzy PID Algorithm for Temperature Control System
Temperature is an important factor in industrial control, which control strategies are also advancing with the times. Especially now, with the rapid development of the industry, the requirements of temperature control continue improved . Face of different control objects,different control methods need to be adopted. Temperature system with large inertia, large lag can not establishe mathematical model and its control will become a problem. In this paper, biomass fuel boilers as the research object, the use of fuzzy PID control to replace the conventional PID control, optimal control scheme, so that the system is stable, to reduce overshoot, adjust speed and other performance indicators.
In this paper, the control scheme of biomass fuel boilers used in-depth study, comparing the conventional PID control with fuzzy PID control. This paper taking the artificial tuning method of PID parameter tuning ,studying the fuzzy control and carring on the thorough analysis of the fuzzy control system of biomass fuel boiler.It also established the membership function and fuzzy control rule table according to the characteristics.
Using Simulink and Fuzzy tools in MATLAB, the PID control and fuzzy PID control simulation of the biomass fuel boiler temperature system were carried out.Large amount of data obtained from several experiments derived, conventional PID control can not meet the control requirements, and its effect is not satisfactory.When the fuzzy PID control is adopted, the overshoot of the system is significantly reduced, the response speed is obviously accelerated, the anti-jamming performance is greatly improved, and the steady state error of pure fuzzy control is avoided.Experiments show that, for temperature control, fuzzy PID control is an ideal control scheme.
Key Words:Temperature control Fuzzy PID MATLAB simulation
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 工业控制发展概况 1
1.2 模糊PID温度控制 2
1.2.1模糊PID温度控制概况 2
1.2.2模糊PID温度控制的研究现状 2
1.2.3模糊PID温度控制的发展趋势 4
1.3课题研究意义及主要内容 4
1.3.1课题研究意义 4
1.3.2本论文的主要内容 5
第二章 传统PID与模糊PID的原理分析 6
2.1控制对象的分析 6
2.2 传统PID控制 6
2.2.1 PID控制器设计注意事项 7
2.3 模糊控制原理 7
2.4 模糊PID的设计 8
2.4.1 模糊语言变量 8
2.4.2 隶属函数 8
2.4.3 PID参数模糊控制规则 9
2.4.4 解模糊 9
2.4.5 模糊控制算法的实现 9
第三章 模糊PID控制器的实例设计 10
3.1 生物质燃料锅炉对象分析 10
3.2 模糊PID控制器 11
3.2.1 控制器的结构 11
3.2.2 PID控制 11
3.2.3 实例中参数kp、ki、kd规则 11
3.3 模糊PID控制器参数 11
3.3.1 语言变量的隶属函数的确立和系统参数的设置 11
3.3.2 模糊控制规则的建立 12
3.3.3 kp、ki、kd的计算 13
第四章 控制系统的仿真 14
4.1 仿真的意义 14
4.2.1 MATLAB概述 15
4.2.1 SIMULINK简介 15
4.3 生物质燃料锅炉温度模糊PID控制系统的仿真 16
4.4 小结 25
第五章 结论与展望 27
参 考 文 献 28
第一章 绪论
1.1 工业控制发展概况
- 一种确定磁探针集总电路参数的标定方法外文翻译资料
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- 氩氧中大气压DBD放电特性研究(适合电气B方向)毕业论文
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- 南京某公司研发楼电气设计毕业论文
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