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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-05 19:43:13  


摘 要



关键词:变电站 负荷 变压器 短路电流 电气设备

Design of 10KV substation in an electronic science and Technology Building


Electricity is the main energy and power, human survival and development with the rapid rise of the economic development and industrial construction, the development of the power supply system is more and more comprehensive. Factory electricity demand is higher and higher, the power quality, power continuity, the security of the power supply requirements of more and more is also high. So the requirement of power supply in the human life has a higher and more perfect.

Substation is an important part of national power system, it is made up of various electrical equipment and power distribution network formed by all kinds of connection mode, it is a path to power for power system, and through the transformation of substation, distribution, transmission, protection, different methods, such as energy security, economic, transport to every place. Substation power supply design should pay attention to many problems, actually consider substation supply. And the problem of user load level and the load is calculated by the real data of the user, complete the user reactive power compensation device. And carries on the selection and calculation of the transformer shall be properly, and determine the main connection mode of substation, and short-circuit current calculation, choose wire and cable and substation high and low voltage electrical equipment at a time. This substation design includes: (1) (2) the load analysis of overall scheme (3) the calculation of short-circuit current (4) the main wiring scheme.

Keywords: transformer substation,load,transformer, short-circuit current,electrical equipment




第一章 变电站设计背景 1

1.1工厂变配电所的设计 1

1.2 原始资料 1

1.2.1 课题来源 1

1.2.2 设计背景 1

第二章 负荷和无功补偿的计算 2

2.1 负荷计算的选择和确定 2

2.2 系数法的介绍 2

2.3 变电所的负荷计算 4

2.4 无功补偿作用 6

2.5 无功补偿的计算及变压器的选择 6

第三章 电气接线设计 8

3.1 主接线的基本 8

3.2主接线基本要求 8

3.3常用的主接线 8

第四章 短路的计算 10

第五章 变压器容量的选择与计算 12

5.1、台数选择 12

5.2、容量的选择 12

第六章 设备的选择及校验 16

6.1 设备的相关介绍 16

6.1.1 断路器 16

6.1.2 断路器的选用 17

6.1.3 电流互感器 19

6.1.4 测量用电流互感器 19

6.1.5 电流互感器原理 19

6.1.6 电压互感器 20

6.1.7 电压互感器工作原理 20

6.1.8 隔离开关 21

6.1.9 隔离开关基本介绍 21

6.1.10 隔离开关的作用 21

6.1.11 隔离开关的选择 22

6.2.保护设备介绍 22

6.2.1低压断路器的选用 22

6.2.2 低压断路器脱扣器的选择和整定 22

6.2.3 熔断器的选择 23

6.3 电气设备选择的一般原则 23

6.3.1 电气设备动稳定检验 23

6.3.2 电气设备热稳定性检验 23

6.3.3 开关电器开断能力的检验 24

6.4 所用设备的技术参数 24

6.5 设备选择及校验 26

6.6 母线选择与校验 26

6.6.1 母线的介绍 26

6.6.2母线选型 26

附录A 28

附录B 29

总结 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 变电站设计背景





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