2022-03-01 20:08:51
摘 要
关键字:Buck变换器 小信号分析 反馈控制 仿真
The design and simulation of type voltage controlled Buck converter
Switching power supply with high efficiency, high integration, easy portable etc, and widely used, can be applied to some low pressure fire fighting equipment and lighting equipment, car interior computer communications equipment.But in these complex and changeful environment, the system can through own control and adjustment to resist the external disturbance and the change of the load, achieve steady switch power supply work.So you need a stable topology structure to realize the stable voltage output.Starting from the requirements of the above, this paper studies the type voltage controlled Buck converter the stability of the closed-loop control output performance.In this paper, the research results and the main steps are as follows:
This paper describes the working principle of Buck circuit in detail, including the operation mode of the Buck converter, continuous working current mode (CCM);Current discontinuous conduction mode (DCM).Using the small signal analysis method, deduce the transfer function of the Buck converter, including the ratio of the output voltage and input voltage, output voltage and the ratio of the amount control.The Buck circuit parameter design, use of chip control to realize more complex closed-loop feedback control, reduce the volume of switch power supply.Using the Matlab software, Buck circuit of without compensation link Bode diagram analysis, analysis of its stability and response speed.Parameter design of compensation link, improve the system stability and rapidity, so as to meet the requirements of the general engineering design.For the design of Buck circuit Saber simulation, proved to meet the requirements of the system.
Keywords: the Buck converter; small signal; feedback control; simulation
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究现状及意义 1
1.1.1课题现状及意义 1
1.2发展方向和研究热点 2
1.2.1发展方向 2
1.2.2研究热点 3
1.3研究现状及研究方法 3
1.3.1研究现状 3
1.3.2开关电源的研究方法 4
1.4 论文研究内容和主要安排 5
第二章 Buck变换器的基本原理 6
2.1 Buck电路的工作原理 6
2.1.1电流连续工作模式 6
2.1.2电流断续模式下的分析 7
2.1.3电流临界工作模式下的分析 9
2.2 Buck DC/DC 变换器电路调制模式 9
2.2.1 PWM调制模式 9
2.3 Buck变换器电路的控制模式 10
2.3.1电压反馈控制 10
第三章 压控型Buck电路的稳定控制 12
3.1压控型Buck电路的系统组成和原理 12
3.2 Buck变换器的小信号建模分析 14
3.2.1理想Buck变换器的等效电路 14
3.2.2 Buck变换器的小信号分析 15
3.2.3压控型Buck变换器小信号模型的传递函数 18
3.3压控型Buck变换器闭环控制系统的稳定判据 19
3.3.1关于通过相位幅值和裕度裕度的稳定判据 19
第四章 压控型Buck变换器的参数设计 20
4.1主电路参数的设计 20
4.2控制方法的设计 22
4.2.1调制模式的设计 22
4.2.2 PWM的芯片选择和外文电路的参数设计 22
4.3压控型BUCK DC-DC变换器的补偿网络和开环传递函数的分析 25
4.3.1压控型Buck变换器的开环传递函数 25
4.3.2压控型Buck DC/DC变换器闭环补偿网络的设计 27
第五章 压控型Buck DC/DC变换器的仿真与分析 31
5.1压控型变换器的仿真 31
5.2补偿后系统传递函数的分析 32
5.3本章小结 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 37
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