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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-02-27 21:33:36  


摘 要




关键词:Arduino 电气设备 温度测量 无线传输

Design of temperature measuring system for electrical equipment based on Arduino


Modern power systems are progressing toward high voltage, large capacity, and more complex units. The stability and safety requirements of power supply are higher and higher. ,. The electrical equipment is unavoidable. The temperature rise will hinder. Electrical equipment. Run down. Electrical equipment. Operating efficiency, even heating equipment, will cause equipment failure, power failure, or even explosion, endangering the safety of the operators. Because of the continuous development of sensors and wireless communications, a variety of measurement methods have been applied to the temperature monitoring of electrical equipment. In this paper, a temperature detection system is designed for the particularity of temperature measurement of electrical equipment. The hardware and software of the system are designed and implemented. The system uses Arduino microcontroller as the main control computer through wireless Bluetooth to receive multiple measurements from the machine, and then by the Arduino controller and then all data transmitted back to the mobile monitoring terminal display system has the real mobility, scalability.

Through the single point temperature change measurement, multi-point temperature measurement, Bluetooth communication distance test and mobile testing platform temperature measurement function, the design of electrical equipment temperature measurement system ability is normal. The measured temperature range of -55 DEG --125 DEG, the detection of Bluetooth communication distance is 12M, the test results show that the A Bluetooth module in 11m, 12m failure; Bluetooth module B available in 10m, 11 metres failure, so the equipment of the master-slave detection distance is 10m.

Keywords: Arduino; electrical equipment; temperature measurement; wireless transmission


摘要 I


第一章 绪 论 2

1.1课题来源及研究意义 2

1.2国内外电气设备测温技术的现状及分析 4

1.3课题的主要工作 6

第二章 系统总体设计 7

2.1系统功能 7

2.2系统结构 7

第三章 系统硬件设计 9

3.1 Arduino的介绍 9

3.2主机硬件设计 9

3.2.1 主机主控板Arduino Uno 10

3.2.2 1602液晶显示屏 11

3.3从机硬件设计 13

3.3.1温度传感器的选型 13

3.3.2从机主控板 Arduino Nano 15

3.3.3 HC-05蓝牙模块的介绍 17

第四章 通信协议的设计 19

4.1通信协议的简介 19

4.2温度传感器通讯协议 20

4.3蓝牙通讯协议 21

4.4多点通信 22

4.5本系统通信协议的设定 23

4.5.1波特率的设定 23

4.5.2数据格式 23

第五章 系统软件设计 26

5.1单点测温功能实现 26

5.2 无线蓝牙功能实现 27

5.3 液晶显示功能实现 28

第六章 系统测试与分析 30

6.1主机平台下测温功能测试 30

6.1.1单点温度变化测量 30

6.1.2多点温度测量 30

6.1.3蓝牙通讯距离测试 31

6.2 移动监测平台下测温功能测试 31

第七章 总结 32

7.1总结 32

7.2展望 32

参考文献 34

致谢 36


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