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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2022-02-27 21:28:48  


摘 要


关键词:商业用房 配电系统 照明系统 火灾自动报警系统 防雷及接地系统

Lishui Wushan Culture and Creative Industry Park - 2 # Building Electrical Design


This project is the second floor of the project in the construction of Wushan District, Nanjing Lishui Culture and Creative Industry Park. The building is composed of 13641.09 square meters of ground floor, of which 4135.48 square meters of ground floor, 9505.61 square meters on the ground, the building height of 29.2 (building, etc.), 7 floors above the ground floor (commercial rental housing, etc.) Rice, this time to complete the electrical design of the building on the ground. The building is a class of high-rise buildings, fire-resistant grade two. The need for the Lishui District of Nanjing Wushan Cultural and Creative Industrial Park in the construction of the project in the second floor of the electrical design of the power distribution system, lighting systems, fire alarm system, lightning protection and grounding system design. Access to the relevant norms and understand the actual situation of the project at the same time, reference to the relevant practical experience, integration of their own thinking, to take a variety of energy-saving measures, so that every step of the design are evidence.

Keywords: Commercial space; Distribution System; Lighting system; Automatic fire alarm system; Lightning protection and grounding system


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概况 5

1.1工程概况 5

1.1工程概况 5

1.3设计内容 2

第二章 配电系统设计 3

2.1负荷等级 3

2.2配电方案设计 3

2.3负荷计算 4

2.3.1计算电流 4

2.3.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 6

2.4短路电流计算及校验 9

2.4.1短路电流计算 9

2.4.2短路电流热稳定性校验 10

2.5断路器选型 11

2.5.1选型一般原则 11

2.5.2负荷开关及自动转换开关 15

2.6导线与线缆选型 18

2.6.1导线与电缆截面的选择 18

第三章 照明系统设计 22

3.1系统设计 22

3.2照明方式及种类 22

3.3照度标准值 22

3.4照度计算 23

3.5光源及灯具装置的选择与布置 26

3.6照明控制方式 27

第四章 火灾自动报警系统设计 28

4.1设计原则 28

4.2报警及联动控制设备 28

4.3探测器的选择与布置 29

4.5线缆选型及敷设 31

第五章 防雷及接地系统 32

5.1建筑物防雷等级 32

5.1.1已知条件 32

5.1.2建筑物年预计雷击次数计算 32

5.2建筑物防雷措施 33

5.3电气装置的接地及有关保护 33

5.4低压配电系统的等电位联结 34

5.5建筑物电子信息防雷系统 34

结束语 37

参考文献 38

致谢 39

第一章 概况








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