2022-01-23 21:51:19
摘 要
关键词:柔性负荷 调峰可行性 互动潜力 风电消纳
Analysis of method of peaking potential of flexible resources in source and reservoir
In recent years, as the load on the power-side side of the grid is increased, the new load with the dual characteristics of the source and the load is increasing. A large number of new loads that can interact with the grid participate in the dispatching of the grid as a supplement to the traditional power generation dispatching mode. The flexible load is in the grid. The role of scheduling has therefore become a hot spot at home and abroad. At the same time, new energy consumption forms such as load aggregators and intelligent buildings have emerged. A large number of power loads can participate in grid interaction through different demand response modes, providing abundant schedulable resources for the power grid.
By studying the development and practical application of demand response at home and abroad, this paper obtains the conditions needed to establish a mature demand response market and the development space of China's current power grid dispatch market. By grasping the flexible resources to participate in different types of tuning involved in grid dispatching operation Peak resources, flexible loads and energy storage equipment, from the perspective of flexible resources as grid dispatching resources, classify the flexible loads that China is currently participating in grid dispatching operations and establish mathematical expressions based on their scheduling modes and response characteristics. By modeling different types of loads, combining the scheduling requirements of various operational scenarios such as peak-cutting and valley filling, and eliminating clean energy, the paper focuses on analyzing and quantifying the flexible load participation in grid dispatching capability, analysis of power grid peaking resources and design research on peaking resources and analyzing the response characteristics of multiple types of flexible load resources about matching with grid dispatching requirements and the potential to participate in grid dispatching.
Key Words: Flexible resources; Peak shaving feasibility; Interactive potential; Wind power consumption
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文结构及研究工作 4
第二章 柔性负荷参与调度分析 6
2.1 需求侧负荷 6
2.1.1分类与定义 6
2.1.2 柔性负荷响应模型 7
2.2 柔性负荷参与调度分析 9
2.2.1 可调度潜力 10
2.2.2 柔性负荷参与电网调度能力评估指标 11
2.3 本章小结 12
第三章 柔性资源的调峰设计研究 14
3.1 电力系统调峰设计 14
3.1.1 电力系统调峰资源 14
3.1.2 系统调峰需求量 16
3.1.3 调峰设计方案 16
3.2 需求侧负荷参与调峰分析 17
3.2.1 风电出力预测模型 18
3.2.2 负荷数据聚类分析 18
3.2.3 需求侧负荷参与调峰分析 19
3.3 本章小结 20
第四章 算例分析 22
4.1 算例参数 22
4.2调峰分配方式 23
4.3仿真结果及分析 24
第五章 总结与展望 33
参考文献 36
致谢 39
附录 40
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
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