2022-01-08 21:57:39
摘 要
关键词:气液放电 纳秒脉冲 等离子体 电学特性 活性粒子
Effect of Solution Properties on Gas-liquid Discharge Characteristics of Nanosecond Pulse
With the advancement of science and technology, the development of materials, medicine, environmental science and other fields, gas-liquid plasma technology is gaining more and more attention. The ensuing research on the properties of gas-liquid discharge, different solution properties such as pH , the conductivity of the solution, and the ionic composition of the solution have a great influence on the active particles required for experiment and practical application. Therefore, in the research work of gas-liquid discharge, it is necessary to explore the effects of different solution properties on the characteristics of gas-liquid discharge by quantitatively controlling the properties of the solution. The main contents of this paper are summarized as follows.
1. Under the excitation of nanosecond pulse power supply and the same frequency of discharge voltage and pulse width, the initial pH of different solutions were obtained under the excitation of 10kV, 11kV and 12kV voltage by setting different initial pH of the solution The voltage and current waveforms and the influence of different pH conditions on the nanosecond pulsed gas-liquid discharge according to the average power consumed. Due to the asymmetry of the gas-liquid discharge electrode structure, the change of the rising and falling edges is different, and the peak of the rising edge is greater. The peak of the falling edge is small. According to the analysis of the instantaneous power and the average power, as the pH of the solution increases, the average power of the discharge slowly rises, and the maximum of the instantaneous power gradually increases. The peak of the rising edge of the discharge current is the same as the peak of the falling edge increase.
2. From the luminous image, as the pH of the solution rises, the discharge generated by the gas-liquid gap becomes more intense. From the spectroscopic image, as the pH of the solution rises, the number of active particles first rises and then decreases when the pH of the solution is within the range of 4 lt;pH lt;7, and then decreases after pHgt; 7. In addition to N2(C-B), the emission spectrum of the gas-liquid discharge that generates active particles also produces an excited atomic spectrum.
Keywords:Gas-liquid discharge;nanosecond pulse discharge;Plasma;electrical characteristics; active particles
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 等离子体 1
1.3 气液放电 1
1.3.1 气液放电分类 2
1.3.2 气液放电的活性粒子 2
1.3.3 气液放电的应用领域 4
1.4 气液放电特性的影响因素 5
1.4.1 反应器结构 5
1.4.2 驱动电源影响 6
1.4.3 工作气体影响 8
1.4.4 液体性质影响 9
1.5 本文研究的内容和意义 13
第二章 实验装置与实验方法 14
2.1 针-板电极反应器放电实验系统 14
2.1.1 等离子体产生及配气系统 14
2.1.3 电学探测系统 16
2.1.4 光学探测系统 16
2.2 实验方法 17
2.2.1 电气特性诊断 17
2.2.2 发光图像诊断 17
2.2.3 光谱特性诊断 17
第三章 溶液pH值对电学特性的影响 19
3.1 不同溶液pH值下的电学特性 19
3.2 本章小结 23
第四章 溶液pH对光学特性的影响 24
4.1 纳秒脉冲激励对光学特性的影响 24
4.1.1 纳秒脉冲激励的发光图像 24
4.1.2 溶液pH值对气液放电光谱特性的影响 24
4.2 本章小结 28
第五章 结论与展望 29
5.1 总结 29
5.2 展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 33
第一章 绪论
1.1 引言
等离子体是固液气三态以外的物质第四态,它是由大量的自由电子、离子、基态原子、激发态原子、多种自由基分子和光子等组成的,其含有的电子和正离子的电荷数相同,对外整体表现出电中性。当普通的中性气体被加热到温度为数万开(°K)时,气体分子被热解离,由原有的气相或液相分子形成原子,再经过热电离,生成带正电的离子和带负电的电子。在此情况下,发生电离的气体整体呈中性,因此也属于等离子体的一种。放电是气体加热最方便的手段,当施加电压时,电子由于质量很小,被放电电场加速,可以获得较高温度,而其他较重的离子由于体积因素不断与气相环境中的气体分子碰撞,交换能量,从而保持相对较低的温度,故提供给系统的能量几乎完全用来给电子加速,电子获得 1×104~2.5×105K(1-20eV)的典型温度,显著高于体系内其他组分如离子和自由基的温度,所以低温等离子体也被称为非热力学平衡等离子体。用此方法产生的包括自由电子、各种离子、原子和多种自由基分子在内的集合体,被称为放电等离子体。通过加热产生等离子体的是产生等离子体的最普遍方法。
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