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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-16 23:42:19  


摘 要






Nowadays, with the increasingly high level of information technology in people's work and life, people's dependence on and demand for electricity is also increasing. Therefore, a large amount of power needs to be output, which makes the dependence and demand on the substation and its power supply automation system become higher and higher. At the same time, substation design, as an important part of the whole modern power system design and construction, requires the distribution network and a variety of electrical equipment to design a reasonable way of wiring. The purpose and function of the main substation is directly from the existing power system has made a lot of energy, and through certain equipment its transformation, distribution, transportation, and protection and so on a series of processing, enables electricity to meet the requirements of safety, economy, reliability, delivery to the various need of electricity equipment. Therefore, the author takes the design of 110kV substation as the subject of this graduation project.

The graduation design of this substation analyzes the structure of the power grid and the load of electricity in a certain area. It is understood that there is only one 110kV substation in this area at present. However, due to the development of the city and a series of requirements such as improving the structure of the power grid and improving the reliability of power supply, it is necessary to build a 110kV substation in this area. Substation design and construction work needs to be closely cooperated with many substation majors. The main content of this substation design includes the following parts: the geographical and climatic conditions of the site selected by the substation and the load usage are analyzed, as well as the design work of the short-circuit current calculation, the selection of electrical equipment and distribution equipment, etc.

This design, under the detailed guidance of the teacher, discusses the main content and process of the substation power system in the power system engineering of a certain area. The main content is about recent and vision area substation power supply area of power load analysis and calculation, choose the capacity and model of the main transformer, transformer substation main electrical wiring design, short-circuit current calculation of equivalent network, determine the types and basic parameters of the electric equipment, selection of thunder and lightning overvoltage protection device, is fully completed in the power system transformer substation the main content of the electrical system design at a time.

Key words: Primary design of substation, main electrical connection, Short circuit current calculation, Electrical equipment selection

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的意义和背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究的主要意义 2

第2章 变电站基本情况以及主变压器的选择 4

2.1 变电站的总体分析 4

2.1.1 变电站建设规模 4

2.1.2 变电站总体分析 4

2.1.3 变电站供电区域负荷分析 4

2.2 变压器介绍 7

2.3 主变压器容量选择原则 7

2.4 主变压器台数的确定 7

2.5 主变压器负荷计算和额定容量 8

2.6 主变压器选型 9

2.6.1 主变压器相数选择 9

2.6.2 主变压器绕组数量选择 9

2.6.3 主变压器绕组连接方式的选择 9

2.6.4 主变压器调压方式的选择 9

2.6.5 主变压器容量比和冷却方式的选择 10

2.6.6 选择结果 10

2.7 本章小结 11

第3章 电气主接线设计与短路计算 12

3.1 电气主接线的作用 12

3.2 主接线设计的原则和基本要求 12

3.3 主接线设计方案的确定 13

3.3.1 电气主接线确定时的基本要求 13

3.3.2 主接线方案的确定 13

3.4 短路计算的目的 15

3.5 短路电流计算 15

3.6 本章小结 20

第4章 无功补偿设备及电气设备的选择 22

4.1 无功补偿 22

4.1.1 无功补偿装置的选择 22

4.1.2 无功补偿装置功率的选择 22

4.1.3 无功补偿装置的接线 23

4.2 电气设备的选择 23

4.3 绝缘子选择 23

4.4 母线的选择 24

4.4.1 110kV母线选择 24

4.4.2 35kV母线选择 24

4.4.3 10kV母线选择 24

4.4.4 热、动稳定校验 25

4.5 断路器的选择 25

4.6 电压互感器和电流互感器的选择 26

4.7 防雷及过电压保护 26

4.8 本章小结 27

第5章 结论 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

  1. 绪论
    1. 研究的意义和背景





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