2021-11-11 20:41:15
摘 要
关键词:不停电作业 绝缘屏障 母线电场 电力设备 电场隔离
In recent years, the rapid development of China's economy and society has led to the rapid growth of power demand, which has led to the continuous acceleration of power grid construction. In China, there are more and more high-voltage transmission and transformation stations and power equipment, and the power system with large capacity and voltage level is developing rapidly. The problems of power system reliability and safety are increasingly prominent. The power supply department has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to carry out the research of uninterrupted operation.
However, there are few studies on the operation of substation equipment without power failure. The main reason is that the substation structure is compact, large-scale operation tools cannot enter, and it is difficult to ensure that workers have enough safety distance. In daily substations and transmission lines, when the current flows, there will be a magnetic field in the surrounding space; when the equipment is electrified, there will be an electric field in the surrounding space. There will be some potential safety hazards for power workers and residents. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the insulation protection tools used in substations, so as to provide reliable protection for workers engaged in power work.
Based on the understanding of the basic principles of the structure and uninterrupted operation of the substation, this paper analyzes the characteristics and shortcomings of the maintenance work of the substation, understands the types and relevant requirements of the uninterrupted operation, and studies the current situation of the research on the electric field of the substation at home and abroad, the basic principles of the insulation screen and the influencing factors of the insulation materials, taking the bus electric field as an example, with the help of COMSOL simulation software explores the effect of insulation barrier and the effect of barrier material, height, thickness, relative dielectric constant, area size and shape on electric field isolation effect. To find the best protective barrier position of human body under the action of uninterrupted power supply, and to take voltage transformer and current transformer as examples, analyze the insulation effect of placing barriers at different positions when human body works in the electric field of bus and power equipment. It can be seen from the analysis and simulation results that the isolation device placed under the bus not only reduces the electric field value under the device, but also improves the distortion rate of the electric field. In this paper, 220kV bus is taken as an example, the distortion rate of electric field is reduced from 1.18 to 1.05 after the barrier is placed in the designated air area under the barrier. When entering the
electric field, the arm should be lowered slowly, and the best position of the isolation device is 3.6m from the ground when the intermediate potential operation is conducted at the position shown in the paper. When working beside voltage transformer and current transformer, the electric field value can be reduced by placing isolation device between bus and power equipment and placing isolation device directly above human body.
Key words: uninterrupted operation, insulation, barrier, busbar, electric field, electric equip- ment, electric field isolation.
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 目的及意义 1
1.1.1 提高电力系统的供电可靠性 1
1.1.2 减少对人体的危害 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1 电场分布测量研究 3
1.2.2 不停电作业与电力检修 4
1.2.3 工频电场有关标准 5
1.2.4 电场防护 6
第2章 理论分析与仿真软件介绍 8
2.1 研究的基本内容 8
2.2 研究的理论基础 8
2.2.1 电场分析 8
2.2.2 电场计算 9
2.2.3 绝缘屏障分析 11
2.3 研究的技术方案 11
2.4 COMSOL软件介绍 11
2.5 有限元计算理论 12
第3章 绝缘屏障效果仿真分析 14
3.1 母线电场分布 14
3.2屏障物理参数对电场隔离效果的影响 15
3.2.1绝缘板厚度对屏障效果的影响 16
3.2.2 绝缘板大小对屏障效果的影响 16
3.2.3 绝缘板形状对屏障效果的影响 17
3.2.4 绝缘板材料类型对屏障效果的影响 18
3.2.5 绝缘板高度对屏障效果的影响 19
3.3人体不停电作业的屏障最佳距离的探究 21
3.4 电气设备在母线电场下的隔离屏障 25
3.4.1 电压互感器 25
3.4.2 电流互感器 28
第4章 总结与展望 32
4.1 总结 32
4.2 展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 37
第1章 绪论
1.1 目的及意义
1.1.1 提高电力系统的供电可靠性
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