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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文

一种APF与UPS 混成电源拓扑设计与仿真分析毕业论文

 2021-11-06 23:23:30  

摘 要





The development of electric power is currently the mainstream of energy resources. With the reform of the social energy structure, the requirements for today's electric energy are getting higher and higher. The powerful anti-interference function of UPS can ensure continuous power operation without interference, thereby solving the problems of poor power quality and power failure. However, the use of UPS is increasing, and the internal power electronic devices make the pollution of the power grid more and more, and these power electronic devices generate harmonic currents and also loss of reactive power. The generation and absence of harmonics The loss of active power will affect the quality of the power grid. The use of active power filters has become an important means of suppressing harmonics. With the advantage of real-time tracking and compensation of harmonic currents, it has now become a key research direction.

This article is to design an APF and UPS hybrid power supply to eliminate harmonics. Firstly, the typical topologies of UPS and APF and their respective working principles are introduced, and then a suitable topology is selected to build a simulation model. Secondly, study the harmonic detection technology and compensation current generation technology of APF. In this paper, I use the single-phase harmonic current detection method based on the instantaneous reactive power theory because of its high accuracy and simple calculation method. UPS simulation model I use a double conversion online UPS, the two are combined to build a mixed power model. For the control strategy, I researched the UPS inverter, because both UPS and APF have inverters as the main components of the circuit. In this article, I use double-loop control to input control signals to the inverter input. Through MATLAB / SIMULINK simulation of mixed power supply and control strategy, the corresponding waveforms are obtained. The feasibility of this method is verified by analysis, and the expected goal is basically achieved.

Key Words:UPS;APF;SIMULINK simulation;harmonic detection;inverter

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 发展前景 2

1.4 研究内容 2

第2章 APF工作原理 3

2.1 APF的类型 3

2.1.1 并联型APF 3

2.1.2 串联型APF 4

2.1.3 串并联型APF 4

2.2 APF拓扑结构的选取 5

2.3 谐波检测方法 6

2.3.1常用的谐波电流检测方法 6

2.3.2基于瞬时无功功率的谐波电流检测法 6

2.3.3单相电路谐波检测方法 11

2.4 谐波电流预测方法研究 12

2.5 APF的控制技术 14

2.5.1滞环比较控制法 14

2.5.2三角波调制控制法 14

第3章 UPS工作原理 15

3.1 UPS的分类 15

3.1.1 后备式UPS 15

3.1.2 在线互动式UPS 15

3.1.3 双变换在线式UPS 16

3.2 UPS模型的选取 17

第4章 混成电源系统建模与仿真分析 18

4.1 单相APF建模与仿真分析 18

4.1.1 单相APF参数设计 18

4.1.2 单相APF仿真分析 19

4.2 单相UPS建模与仿真分析 23

4.2.1 单相UPS仿真建模 24

4.2.2 单相UPS仿真分析 24

4.3 混成电源系统建模与仿真分析 27

第5章 UPS逆变器建模与仿真分析 29

5.1各种控制策略对比分析 29

5.1.1 PID控制策略 29

5.1.2重复控制策略 29

5.1.3无差拍控制策略 29

5.1.4状态反馈控制策略 30

5.1.5滑模变结构控制策略 30

5.1.6智能控制策略 30

5.1.7 SPWM控制策略 30

5.2双环控制策略分析 31

5.2.1概述 31

5.2.2双环控制算法 31

5.3 UPS逆变器控制策略仿真分析 34

5.3.1 构建仿真模型 34

5.3.2优选采样周期 35

5.3.3 仿真分析 35

第6章 结论与展望 39

参考文献 40

致谢 42

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




  1. 增加装置对谐波和无功功率进行补偿。其主要是安装辅助设备在供电电网和受电装置之间的公用点,统一对影响电网的谐波产生源进行抑制和补偿无功功率,这种方法应用对象较为广泛。

(2)控制电力电子装置消除谐波和无功功率 [4,5]

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