2021-11-06 23:23:17
摘 要
Magnetic field signal can be used to detect, locate and it also become a new target characteristics of underwater weapon fuze. For ships, only by effectively reducing or eliminating their own magnetic field characteristics can ships reduce the risk of being attacked by underwater weapon of enemy's magnetic fuze. Degaussing station can provide better demagnetization work for ships. However, with the rapid development of China's national defense, the fast growth of naval construction, and the continuous increase of ship tonnage, the degaussing capacity and degaussing speed of the degaussing station must keep up with the needs of the navy on the ship's degaussing. Therefore, it is of great significance to design a more stable signal processing circuit for degaussing station, improve the accuracy and speed of magnetic field information acquisition, and improve the design of network transmission system for degaussing station.
In this paper, combining the actual function of the ship degaussing station and the special marine environment, the Mag-03 series probe of Bartington's three-axis fluxgate sensor was selected as the detection input, and a subsequent analog circuit suitable for the three-axis fluxgate sensor was designed. The voltage-controlled voltage source second-order band-pass filter and the multi-channel negative feedback active second-order band-pass filter are analyzed, and the filtering characteristics of the two are analyzed. Finally, the voltage-controlled voltage source second-order band-pass filter circuit suitable for the system is selected Using the analog switch chip 74HCT4066, the detection rectifier current is designed, and through simulation in the Proteus platform, a DC output proportional to the input amplitude is finally obtained, which verifies the feasibility of the analog circuit.
Also, in this paper, combined with the safety and economy of the degaussing station network transmission system, a signal network transmission system on the basis of the VI processing LabVIEW operating platform was designed, and a general design scheme suitable for the degaussing station signal network transmission system was proposed.
Key Words:degaussing stations;magnetic field measurement;fluxgate;Proteus simulation;signal transmission system
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容 3
第2章 舰船磁场测试基本理论 4
2.1 舰船磁场特点 4
2.2 测磁方法概述 4
2.3 磁通门传感器原理 6
2.4 三分量磁通门测磁原理 8
第3章 测磁电路设计与仿真 10
3.1 测试系统总体方案 10
3.2 传感头激励电路设计与仿真 11
3.2.1 方波发生电路 11
3.2.2 功率放大电路 12
3.3 弱信号调制电路设计与仿真 13
3.3.1 带通滤波电路 13
3.3.2 检波整流电路 17
3.3.3 信号衰减电路 20
3.3.4 光耦隔离电路 20
3.3.5 降压电路 21
第4章 信号传输软硬件系统设计 24
4.1 信号传输系统硬件框架 24
4.2 下位机软件设计 24
4.3 上位机软件设计 25
第5章 结论与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 30
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
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