2021-11-06 23:22:58
摘 要
本文首先根据柔性交流输电的经济运行水平,分析了各种无功补偿装置的优劣,最后采用1TCR 3TSC的静止型动态无功补偿拓扑,电容器组采用晶闸管过零触发的方法进行分组投切,有效降低补偿电容器投入时产生的浪涌电流对电网的冲击。TCR采用准静态模型进行连续的无功调节,用于吸收TSC过补偿产生的容性无功,提高系统调相、调压能力。
其次,本文基于快速傅里叶变换进行无功功率的测量,提出开环前馈PI控制的SVC控制策略,对整体补偿装置实现TCR和TSC的解耦控制,提高响应速度。以无功功率为主要判据,避免投切振荡,以电压为辅助判据,引入负荷点电压的限定值作为无功补偿的约束调节,并对TCR TSC型静止动态无功补偿各部分和SVC系统整体进行仿真和建模。
As the scale of the power system becomes larger and larger, various random operations of users and input of shock loads pose serious challenges. The interference of various internal and external factors often leads to system voltage instability and imbalance, which further threatens the safety and reliability of the system. In view of the above problems, starting from improving the dynamic reactive power support of the power system, the static reactive power compensation device can maintain the voltage level in the flexible AC transmission system and speed up the dynamic follow-up response of the load. The fast response characteristics of static var compensators are widely used as an important means of dynamic voltage support at system installation points.
This article first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various reactive power compensation devices based on the economic operation level of the power grid. Finally, the static dynamic reactive power compensation topology of 1TCR 3TSC is adopted. Reduce the impact of the surge current generated by the compensation capacitor on the power grid. TCR uses a quasi-static model for continuous reactive power adjustment, which is used to absorb capacitive reactive power generated by TSC over-compensation and improve the system's phase and voltage regulation capabilities.
Secondly, based on the fast Fourier transform for reactive power measurement, this paper proposes an SVC control strategy of open-loop feedforward PI control to achieve the decoupling control of TCR and TSC for the overall compensation device and improve the response speed. Reactive power is used as the main criterion to avoid switching oscillation, and voltage is used as the auxiliary criterion. The limit value of the load point voltage is introduced as the constraint adjustment of reactive power compensation. The TCR3 TSC static dynamic reactive power compensation The SVC system performs simulation and modeling as a whole.
The simulation results show that TSC switches according to the disturbance of the load. After the system joins TCR, the bus voltage quickly drops from the voltage value raised by the capacitor to the given value of the control system. The power factor of the system reaches the expected target of ≥0.95 The harmonic current injected by the compensator is less than the allowable value of the harmonic current injected into the power grid, and the amplitude change of the voltage fluctuation with the change of the reactive power ratio is getting smaller and smaller
Key Words:Static var compensator; SVC; TCR; TSC; thyristor switching capacitor
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究现状 1
第2章 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器基本原理 4
2.1 概述 4
2.2 无功补偿的基本原理 4
2.3 晶闸管投切电容器TSC原理 6
2.3.1 TSC的基本原理 6
2.3.2 投入时刻的选取 7
2.3.3 接线方式及容量确定 8
2.4 晶闸管控制电抗器TCR原理 9
2.5 谐波分析与抑制 10
第3章 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器控制策略 13
3.1 无功补偿控制策略 13
3.1.1 单一物理量控制方式 13
3.1.2 综合控制方式 14
3.1.3 复杂控制方式 14
3.2 无功测量方法研究 15
3.2.1 P-Q检测法 15
3.2.2 快速傅里叶方法 17
3.3 无功补偿控制器设计 19
第4章 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器建模与仿真分析 21
4.1 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器基本拓扑 21
4.2 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器建模 21
4.2.1 电源模块仿真模型建立 22
4.2.2 无功测量模块仿真模型建立 23
4.2.3 TSC控制器模块仿真模型建立 23
4.2.4 TCR控制器模块仿真模型建立 24
4.2.5 TCR触发模块仿真模型建立 24
4.2.6 TSC触发模块仿真模型建立 25
4.3 柔性交流输电静止无功补偿器仿真结果 27
第5章 结论与展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 33
第1章 绪论
随着电力工业的迅速发展,越来越多的随机性非线性负荷逐步应用在实际工业生产中。冲击性负荷的投入,产生大量的感性无功,需要电力系统提供无功支撑,无功功率在输电线路上传输将对电网产生一系列的影响,包括占据系统容量、增加功率损耗、破坏供电系统的稳定性、影响供配电设备的安全{, #1}高效运行等[1]。
目前为止,采用动态无功补偿技术能有效解决上述由于无功功率产生的问题。动态无功补偿技术通过在负荷侧进行并联无功补偿,可以实时地对电网所需无功实施连续调节,解决无功功率就地平衡的问题,提高电网及负荷的功率因数,降低设备的有效容量,减少投资。在柔性交流输电设备中,静止无功补偿器(Static Var Compensator:SVC)是目前应用场合广泛、经济效益高的动态无功补偿设备,主要有以下几个方面的优点:
- 一种确定磁探针集总电路参数的标定方法外文翻译资料
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