2021-11-05 19:25:49
摘 要
于是,随之而来的是需要一种新型、无污染的 能源动力系统为来代替以往传统能源石油给汽车所提供的能量。首选的自然是使用燃料电池,如今在汽车、公共汽车、电车、火车和飞机上等运输交通方式上都得以广泛使用。燃料电池与传统内燃机相比,它们提供高效、低噪音和接近零排放的电力。但是为了提高燃料电池系统的动力性和功率密度,就要将燃料电池与锂离子电池或超级电容器等新型储能装置进行混合。由于这种混合中的一部分负载能量是由电池/超级电容器提供的,从而使得燃料电池系统得到优化,以便实现更好的燃油经济性和性能。其次单独使用锂电池对其负载提供部分能量时,会导致电池组过热而使得其寿命大幅度缩短,因此需要与超级电容等辅助能量一起使用。超级电容器具有充放电快、功率密度高、功率高等优点。因此,燃料电池、锂电池和超级电容器组成的混合动力系统将作为动力源,这也是本文所要研究的主要内容。
关键词: 能量管理策略,仿真,行驶工况,电动汽车,优化,混合动力
In this era of rapid development and the rhythm of its rapid life, while the transport industry has been developing rapidly, family cars and other cars have also become more and more widely used, and the world for oil, coal and other traditional resources has been in a serious state of scarcity, and the Earth's environment in a deteriorating state.
Thus, a new, pollution-free, energy-powered system is needed to replace the energy provided to cars by conventional oil. The preferred mode of transportation is, of course, fuel cells, which are now widely used in cars, buses, trams, trains and planes. Fuel cells provide power that is more efficient, less noisy and closer to zero emissions than conventional internal combustion engines. But to improve the power and power density of fuel cell systems, they need to be mixed with new energy storage devices such as lithium-ion battery or supercapacitors. Because some of the load energy in this hybrid is provided by the battery / supercapacitor, the fuel cell system is optimized for better fuel economy and performance. Second, when lithium batteries are used alone to power part of their load, they overheat the battery pack and shorten its life considerably, so they need to be used with auxiliary energy such as ultracapacitors. Supercapacitors have the advantages of fast charging and discharging, high power density and high power. Therefore, the hybrid power system composed of fuel cell, lithium battery and supercapacitor will be used as power source, which is the main content of this paper.
In this paper, the above hybrid system is discussed. First, an overview of the development of hybrid electric vehicle at home and abroad. Secondly, the characteristics of fuel cell, lithium battery and supercapacitor are studied, and the equivalent model is constructed. At the same time, the characteristics of DC / DC and DC / AC converters are analyzed and modeled.
So, aiming at the deficiency of the traditional energy management strategy, this paper chooses several Advanced Energy Management Control Strategies: State Machine Control Strategy, classic Pi Control Strategy, rule-based mode and control, frequency decoupling and state machine control, equivalent consumption minimization (ECMS) , external energy maximization (EEMS) . The hybrid system is optimized. Finally, two typical operating conditions UDDS and NEDC are selected for simulation in Matlab. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes can achieve reasonable power distribution, reduce the energy loss of the system, effectively improve the hydrogen consumption of fuel cells, and reduce the use of fuel cells and lithium batteries, therefore, the service life of lithium battery is prolonged. At the same time, the better energy control strategy is obtained by comparing the selected schemes.
Keywords: Energy management strategy, simulation, driving conditions, ev, optimization, hybrid
摘要 I
Abstract 2
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外电动汽车发展及现状 2
1.2.1 国外混合动力电动汽车发展状况 2
1.2.2我国混合动力电动汽车发展状况 3
1.2.3能量管理策略国内外研究现状 4
1.3本文主要研究内容及章节安排 5
第2章 混合动力系统 6
2.1燃料电池 6
2.2 锂电池、超级电容和转换器 8
2.2.1 锂电池特性 11磷酸铁离子电池充放电特性分析 12 放电容量保持率 13锂电池模型 14
2.2.3超级电容 15超级电容特性 15超级电容充放电特性 17超级电容模型 19
2.2.4 DC/DC 变换器模型 20
2.2.5 DC/AC 变换器模型 21
第3章 能量管理策略(EMS) 23
3.1状态机控制策略 24
3.2 经典PI控制策略 26
3.3等效消耗最小策略(ECMS) 26
3.4 模糊控制策略 27
3.4.1模糊能量管理控制器设计 27
3.4.2 基于模糊规则控制策略 28
3.4.3基于模糊控制的能量管理策略 29
3.4.4隶属度函数的确定 30
3.4.5去模糊化 32
第4 章 仿真结果与分析 33
4.1工况分析 33
4.2对比分析仿真结果 35
第5章 总结与展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
第1章 绪论
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