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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-02 20:47:36  

摘 要





Over the past years, environmental issues and energy shortage have become more and more imminent. Many countries begin to attach importance to energy conservation and environment protection, in order to develop a sustainable economy. As a commonly used travel tool, automobile is indispensable in daily life. However, a large number of exhaust gas produced by ordinary fuel vehicles is harmful to the environment, while pure electric vehicles are gradually favored by the automobile industry due to their green and pollution-free characteristics. But with the increasing number of new energy vehicles, many problems are also exposed. The most prominent of these are the power using and sustainable mileage of new energy vehicles. In order to solve these two problems and alleviate the "mileage anxiety" caused by the unknown driving mileage of pure electric vehicle drivers, this paper studies these two problems for a model of pure electric taxi in Wuhan.

This paper has studied the problem of SOC estimation of pure electric cars. Through comparative analysis, a more accurate estimation method that can meet the real-time measurement of the SOC state of battery is put forward, and according to the actual data, the specific estimation method is explained. Because it is too complex to build an accurate analysis model of pure electric vehicle in a short time, this paper is based on the avl-cruise simulation software, and establishes a simulation model on the base of the performance parameters of the pure electric vehicle, and makes a simulation analysis of its important performance such as 100km power consumption, driving distance, etc. At last, the simulation values are in good agreement with the actual expected values, and the causes of the errors are pointed out. The error between the simulation result and the actual expectation is about 8%, which belongs to the normal range. It indicates that the AVL-CRUISE model in this paper has a certain reference value, and provides a theoretical basis for the whole vehicle energy consumption prediction and driving range estimation of pure electric vehicles.

Key words:Pure electric vehicle; SOC; AVL-CRUISE; Simulation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及其意义 1

1.2 巡航里程估计中的关键问题及影响因素 2

1.3 纯电动车续驶里程估算研究现状 2

1.4 本文研究主要内容 3

第2章 纯电动汽车电池SOC的实时监测与估计 4

2.1 纯电动汽车能量流动分析 4

2.2纯电动汽车动力电池分类及特点 4

2.3纯电动汽车动力电池SOC估算方法分析 6

2.3.1 动力电池SOC常用估算方法分类及特点 6

2.3.2 动力电池SOC估算方法的修正与计算 7

2.3 本章小结 9

3 基于CRUISE仿真软件的车辆模型建立 10

3.1 CRUISE仿真特点及原理 10

3.2 某型号电动汽车性能参数分析与建模 10

3.2.1 某型号纯电动汽车性能参数确定 10

3.2.2某型号纯电动汽车模型的建立 13

3.3 本章小结 15

4 仿真结果分析 16

4.1 能耗分析 16

4.2 续驶里程分析 19

4.3 仿真结果总结与验证 19

4.4 本章小结 20

5 总结与展望 21

5.1 主要研究工作及结论 21

5.2 不足与展望 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及其意义

据调查显示,汽车尾气是造成雾霾、空气污染的重要原因之一。汽车行业也开始以节能减排和环境保护作为其主要追求目标。发展电动汽车是改善能源以及环境问题的重要途经之一,因此电动汽车的研发和推广逐步成为热点。加上地方政府强有力的扶持政策,电动汽车的年产量逐年增高,市场需求也不断加大[1][2]。2016年10月26日,中国汽车工程学会发布《节能与新能源汽车技术路线图》[3]。路线图中规划:2020年,纯电动汽车和插电混汽车销量占汽车总销量的 7%-10%;2025年,占比为 15%-20%;2030年,占比为40%-50%。目前市场上的电动汽车可划分为:纯电动汽车、燃料电池汽车、混合动力汽车。纯电动汽车以其节能环保、清洁无污染的特点已成为未来汽车发展的主流方向。根据工信部发布的第16批次到第25 批次《免征车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录》,近两年内,中国新能源电动汽车呈现续航里程增加、电池能量密度提高、百公里电耗下降的趋势。

对于一台实用的出行工具,除了具有操作简单、舒适性及安全性高等优点之外,最重要的是能够满足使用者的出行需求。因此电动汽车的实际行驶里程是其最重要的一个参数。但是目前的电动汽车由于与其配套充、换电基础设施、电网建设滞后,行驶道路和行驶环境复杂多样,并且厂家提供的能耗估计大多采用内燃机的能耗估计模型,或是直接基于电动汽车的历史能耗水平,没有能够充分考虑不同型号纯电动汽车的特性,导致根据其提供的里程参照驾驶员往往不能准确判断实际行驶里程,并且也不能够实时进行续航里程的估算。因此,使用者必须对每次出行的行驶路线进行规划,以衡量车辆的剩余动力是否能满足实际需要,这导致使用者可能会有一定的焦虑心理,即“里程焦虑” ,降低了电动汽车的可靠程度,也使电动汽车行业的发展遇到了瓶颈。

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