2021-11-01 21:14:32
摘 要
Today, with the rapid development of the global marine economy, although the marine resources are huge, the maritime space is relatively limited, and the competition for marine resources among countries is becoming more and more fierce. Since ancient times, China has been a major maritime country. With the proposal of the strategy of "power of the ocean", China's demand for the ocean-going passenger ship's hydrometeorological support system has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, this article takes the ocean-going passenger ship hydrometeorological support system as the research object, uses information technology to obtain the hydrometeorological website data, and then stores it in the database, and displays the hydrometeorological data in the user interface. The prediction algorithm BP neural network algorithm was studied.
First of all, this article first introduces the key technologies for obtaining hydrological and meteorological website data, including HTTP protocol, MVC architecture, data interface service for obtaining meteorological data, ORM persistent layer framework MyBatis for storing meteorological data, and meteorological data JSP dynamic page display technology and Tomcat server, etc. To provide technical theoretical basis for the acquisition, storage and display of meteorological data.
Then, by creating a JavaWeb project and using the Java language to implement the meteorological data interface API to obtain hydrological and meteorological data in JSON data format, it is parsed and packaged as a JavaBean object, and then stored in the database through the MyBtais persistence framework Moreover, the meteorological data can be automatically acquired and stored regularly through timed tasks, which realizes the automatic real-time acquisition and storage of meteorological data. The user interface uses JSP technology to realize real-time dynamic query and display of meteorological data.
Finally, this paper also conducts related research on the BP neural network algorithm that can be used for weather forecast. Through the study of its model structure and weight update process, the advantages and disadvantages of this algorithm are analyzed.
Keywords: hydrometeorology; Java;database;BP neural network
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的意义及重要性 1
1.3研究的内容与主要的工作 1
1.3.1 研究的内容 1
1.3.2 本人的主要工作 2
1.4 论文结构 2
第2章 系统相关理论和技术概述 3
2.1 HTTP协议 3
2.2 数据接口服务 3
2.3 JSON 3
2.4 MVC架构模式 4
2.5 JavaEE 4
2.6 JSP 5
2.7 Servlet 5
2.8 Oracle数据库 5
2.9 MyBatis框架 5
2.10 Tomcat 6
2.11 本章小结 6
第3章 水文气象数据的获取、存储与显示 7
3.1 水文气象数据的获取 7
3.1.1 水文气象数据接口 7
3.1.2 水文气象数据接口的调用实现 8
3.2 水文气象数据的存储 10
3.2.1 数据库表设计和实体类设计 10
3.2.2 MyBatis框架的搭建 11
3.2.3 定时任务实现自动获取存储气象数据 13
3.3 水文气象数据的显示 15
3.3.1 JSP页面实现水文气象数据的显示 15
3.3.2 Servlet实现控制层 16
3.4 本章小结 17
第4章 气象预测算法研究 18
4.1 气象预测 18
4.2 BP神经网络介绍 18
4.2.1 人工神经网络 18
4.2.2 神经网络模型 19
4.2.2 神经网络结构 21
4.2.3 BP神经网络 22
4.2.3 BP神经网络的模型结构 23
4.2.4 BP网络的权值更新 24
4.3 BP神经网络的优点及不足之处 26
4.5 本章小结 27
第5章 总结与展望 28
5.1 工作总结 28
5.2 工作展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
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