2021-09-25 20:10:26
摘 要
其次,通过分析研究,选定阐述了基于相关矩阵的电网后备保护算法,对它的原理、结构组成进行了描述,并基于IEEE 5机14节点经典系统作为研究对象,给出了算例进行演示。结果表明,该种算法简单有效,且具有较高的容错性能。
The implementation of China's "West-to-East Electricity Transmission " project which includes a large-scaleamp;long-distance transmission of electricity has brought great pressure to the power industry, and brought new challenges to the safe and effective operation of the existing transmission network. With the wide application of wide area control technology, information which are collected from wide area information network can be used more abundant by protective relaying system. And it is also convenient for the power grid to achieve more rapid and effective control. However, with the collection and use of massive information, there is a greater probability of missing or error in the data part, which puts forward a higher request to the fault tolerance performance of the power grid relay protection algorithm.
In this paper, the adaptive algorithm of relay protection based on wide area information network is studied and discussed, and the algorithm of high fault tolerance performance of relay protection is carried out in the case of missing data. Combined with information fusion technology of wide area information network, an adaptive protection algorithm with high fault tolerance performance is constructed. At the same time, make use of the action information of the associated IED to assist decision making by strengthening the negotiation between the IED and the result of fault diagnosis when the data problem is not identified.
Firstly, this paper introduces the several common relay protection adaptive algorithms, their basic principle is discussed in detail, and the comparison and analysis of these algorithms are carried out. The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each of them are introduced.The algorithm based on direction comparison is mainly introduced in this paper. In this case, the problem of missing or wrong data is introduced, which leads to the fault tolerance of the algorithm. And lay the foundation of the introduction and the example of the algorithm for the following text.
Secondly, based on the analysis of the research, the paper describes the relevant matrix based backup protection algorithm, its principle and structure are described, and based on the IEEE 5 machine 14 node system as the object of study, a numerical example is given to demonstrate. The results show that the algorithm is simple and effective, and has high fault tolerance performance.
Thirdly, it describes the backup protection based on immune algorithm. First,the basic principle of the immune algorithm is explained, and then the principle, structure and decision mechanism of the algorithm are described. Finally, a numerical example is given. The results show that the proposed algorithm has a great improvement in fault tolerance performance.
Finally, the two algorithms mentioned in this paper are summarized and compared, and the possibility of fusion is proposed. And the research on the high fault tolerance performance of relay protection system in the future is prospected.
Key words: relay protection;fault tolerance;information fusion;correlation;IED
目 录
第1章 绪论 0
1.1课题研究背景 0
1.2继电保护自适应算法 1
1.3国内外研究现状综述 3
1.4本文的主要工作 4
第2章 基于相关矩阵的电网后备保护算法 4
2.1算法系统的结构 4
2.2信息编码 6
2.3基于关联矩阵的算法建立 8
2.4算法示例 10
2.5本章小结 12
第3章 基于免疫算法的后备保护 13
3.1信息编码 13
3.2算法原理 13
3.3决策机构 15
3.4算法示例 15
3.5本章小结 17
第4章 结论及展望 18
4.1结论 18
4.2展望 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 21
第1章 绪论
美国电力行业发展多年,电网运行方面经验丰富,但也发生过“北美8.14”大停电这样严重的电力事故。2003年8月14日16时13分,包括东北部所有地区在内,约有1000万左右用户供电被迫中断。按时间顺序推算,事故始于当日13时31分,Lake Erie岸边的一个电厂因故障退出运行。从15时05分开始到15时45分,连续3条345千伏线路因重力原因下垂严重,不当接触树木,造成对地短路,被保护系统检测到后实行切除。这三条高压线路被切除,使得电流涌向并联运行的低压线路,造成阿克隆附近16条138千伏线路严重过载,于是均被相应的保护系统进行切除,造成阿克隆地区停电。由于此时的电力系统仍可以继续维持运行,当地电力公司(First Energy, FE)的调度员未实施任何举措进行防范处理。当日16时05分,另一条345千伏线路因为负荷过重而发生崩盘,被自动保护装置进行切除操作。至此,长达8分钟的雪崩式系统崩盘正式开始,整个东北部地区的大停电形成,共531台发电机被迫停止运行。此次事故主要是由于电力公司和电网监测中心未能及时做出准确分析判断导致了没有在故障间隙内及时采取有效措施,系统在多重相继开断情况下变得脆弱,以致到最后发展成为波及范围巨大的北美大停电[2,3]。
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