2021-07-12 22:14:29
摘 要
Oil pipelines, gas pipelines, water pipes, sewage pipes, cable ducts, pipes, etc. fiber pipe has become the people's production and life indispensable channel, into all aspects of our life and production, pipeline damage occurs or if the broken ring , would our economy, causing heavy loss of life. In order to prevent accidents caused by pipeline failure, the pipeline must carry out regular inspection and maintenance, but the pipe is generally complex and difficult to repair or maintenance personnel direct access, which promoted the development of pipeline robot, is not conducive to personnel directly into the work, you can enable pipeline into the robot. General robot equipped with cameras, sensors, power supply and other devices, which require stable working environment in order to efficiently complete the work, so smooth walking robot control pipe has important significance.
This thesis discusses two aspects of the pipeline robot is controlled from the PID controller and the ADRC , according to the pipeline robot model under normal conditions, calculate its transfer function. Because of the bad pipe robot working environment, there will be all kinds of interference, different disturbances will affect the robot's speed, amplitude and other parameters that will simplify the expression of different disturbance into different functions. Then set up using Matlab Simulink software module system model, adding different disturbances, such as triangular wave, random waveforms, simulation experiments to obtain under PID control and bottom-disturbance rejection controller simulation curves in order to analysis of two controller anti-jamming capability.
Comparative analysis shows that curve, PID controller ADRC compared in terms of regulation time, or the steady-state error, since the effect of anti-rejection controller to control better, to achieve stability in a shorter period of time state, overshoot is also smaller. PID controller after disturbance will go through a process with the interference fluctuations and ADRC to fluctuations even smaller, more robust more.
Keywords: pipeline robot;PID control; ADRC control
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状分析 1
1.3 本文主要内容 2
第2章 总体设计方案 3
2.1 行走机构的选择 3
2.2 系统功能分析 3
2.3 关键技术点 3
2.3.1 机器人运动控制方案 3
2.3.2 系统抗干扰技术 4
2.4 本章小结 4
第3章 PID控制 5
3.1 PID控制规律 5
3.2 轮式管道机器人的PID控制器 6
3.2.1 管道机器人运动模型分析 6
3.2.2 PID控制器模型仿真 9
3.3本章小结 9
第4章 轮式管道机器人的自抗扰控制器 10
4.1 自抗扰控制器的研究现状及其应用 10
4.2 自抗扰控制器的基本结构 10
4.3 自抗扰控制器的建模 12
4.4 PID 与自抗扰控制算法抗干扰性分析 16
4.4.1速度抗干扰仿真 16
4.4.2 振幅抗干扰仿真 16
4.4.3 角度抗干扰仿真 18
4.5 本章小结 20
第5章 总结与展望 21
5.1 总结 21
5.2 展望 21
参考文献 23
致谢 24
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景
在日常生活及工农业生产中,管道是经常用到的一种重要的物料运输设施,例如污水排放管道、天然气运输管道、石油运输管道、地下电缆管道等。因为各种因素的影响,天气原因、地质灾害、人为或动物破坏等,正在使用中的管道经常会出现堵塞、泄露、裂纹等各种各样的故障,若是不能快速对管道进行检测、清理和维修的话,任由其泄露或堵塞,很可能会产生损失,甚至闯下大祸。但是,一般管道所处的环境都很恶劣,往往是在地下,而且交错复杂,管径较小,不容易达到或不允许检测人员直接进入,检测及维修的难度很大。实际中所采取的随机抽样法、全面挖掘法等方法,耗费大量的人力物力和时间,工作量大, 完成效果不好, 效率非常低[1]。
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