2021-06-25 00:10:10
摘 要
关键词: 弱电网;变流器;电流环;电压环;锁相器
Wind power generation technology has become the world’s most mature renewable energy power generation technology. But in practical situations, the wind power sites are generally in more remote areas which have rich wind resources. However electricity is often transmated by long transmission lines , where the impedance of the circuit cannot be ignored, and the wind power generation system are generally distributed, also the grid range is very wide, leading to the weak grid. In the process of grid-connected wind power system, due to the interaction of the interconnected system, it is easy to cause the instability of the interconnected system. Therefore, finding a certain method or strategy to avoid the instability of the system is an important issue for researchers.
This paper firstly introduces the basic components of the wind power system and the function of each part. The basic circuit of the grid-side converter is also described in detail. The control strategy is analyzed in detail and the simulation model of the generating system is established. According to the principle of direct drive wind power generation, the parameters of the control link are determined by mathematical analysis, and the model of wind power system integration is established. time domain simulation waveforms of current control loop, voltage control loop and phase-locked loop are formed through the simulation of the model, and the directional change of grid strength and operational parameters leads to the study of the stability of grid connected inverter under different conditions.
Key words: Weak power grid; Current loop;Voltage loop ; Phase-locked loop
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 可再生能源发展现状 1
1.2 风电及其技术慨况 1
1.2.1 风电发展现状 1
1.2.2 风电技术研究现状 2
1.3 弱电网意义与影响 3
1.4 本课题的主要内容及研究目的和意义 3
第2章 风机并网控制器的数学分析 5
2.1 坐标变换含义及意义 5
2.2 并网逆变器的坐标变换 5
2.2.1 Clarke变换 5
2.2.2 Parke变换 8
2.3 并网逆变器的数学模型 9
2.3.1 abc坐标系下的高频模型 9
2.3.2 dq坐标系下的高频模型 11
2.3.3 dq坐标系下的低频模型 12
第3章 并网变换器的控制策略 14
3.1 并网同步信号的检测 14
3.1.1 锁相环的工作原理 14
3.1.2 锁相环的设计和稳定性分析 15
3.2 并网变换器控制结构 16
3.3 并网控制的双环控制系统的设计及稳定性分析 17
3.3.1 电流内环控制系统 17
3.3.2 电压外环控制系统 19
第4章 弱电网条件下风机并网变换器稳定性分析 22
4.1 弱电网条件下风机模型的搭建和分析 22
4.2 不同电网强度对并网逆变器稳定性的影响 24
4.3不同工况条件对并网逆变器稳定性的影响 26
第5章 总结与展望 29
5.1 结论 29
5.2 展望 29
参考文献 31
致谢 32
第1章 绪论
1.1 可再生能源发展现状
尽管目前可再生能源在总产量中所占比例较低,其发展的脚步却非常快速。在2015《BP世界能源统计年鉴》中显示,全球一次能源消费增长明显下降,世界各个国家尤其是发达国家都不同程度地加大了可替代能源和可再生能源的发展步伐。根据国际能源机构预测,到2020年,在全球能源消费中,可再生能源的比例将提高到30%。世界各国也将关注点聚焦到了可再生能源的发展上。例如风能,丹麦的风电已达到总发电量 的18%,而德国2002年风力发电已经占世界风力发电量的三分之一,法国则计划在2025年将风电总量发展到发电总量的25%。
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