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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-06-24 22:26:02  

摘 要





Due to the development of power electronics technology, switching power supply applications are deeply various electronic devices, electromagnetic interference and noise problems have cropped up more and more people's attention. Electromagnetic interference into conduction and radiated interference, this paper is to discuss against conducted interference. EMI filters are the most effective means of noise suppression Conducted EMI, EMI filter characteristics discussed, comparing different types of EMI filter is the main content of this article.

EMI filter impedance characteristics must be considered when designing the noise source, the power converter as a noise source of EMI filter impedance characteristics of uncertainty, so that EMI filter design is more difficult than the ordinary filter. Analysis of the power converter in coupled mode EMI noise, and then study the noise source impedance characteristics, including common mode noise and differential mode noise impedance impedance. In this paper, counter circuit as an example, indicating the presence of different forms of interference source impedance, and because of different noise source impedance analysis of four different EMI filters, namely CL-type, LC-type, π-type, T-type filter. Based on Matlab simulation insertion loss compare different interference source impedance under study noise source impedance influence mechanism of EMI filter performance, and compare waveforms to find the best EMI filter structure.


Keywords: conducted interference, the interference source impedance, insertion loss


第1章 绪论 1

1.1电磁干扰与危害 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4 本文主要工作 3

第2章 传导电磁干扰分析 4

2.1电磁干扰原理及分类 4

2.2电源装置电磁噪声的耦合途径 5

2.2.1反激电路的工作原理 5

2.2.3共模干扰耦合通路分析 6

2.2.4差模干扰耦合通路分析 6

2.3干扰源阻抗的测量方法 8

2.4本章小结 8

第3章 EMI滤波器特性研究 9

3.1 EMI滤波器的基本网络 9

3.2典型EMI滤波器 9

3.3主要特性指标 11

3.3.1插入损耗 11

3.3.2漏电流 12

3.4干扰源阻抗对EMI滤波器的影响 12

3.4.1共模影响 12

3.4.2差模影响 13

3.5本章小结 14

第4章 仿真分析与优化设计 15

4.1 共模干扰 15

4.1.1 π型滤波器 15

4.1.2 LC型滤波器 16

4.1.3 CL型滤波器 17

4.1.4 T型滤波器 18

4.2差模干扰 19

4.2.1 π型滤波器 19

4.2.2 LC型滤波器 20

4.2.4 T型滤波器 21

4.3本章小结 23

第5章 总结与展望 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

附录A 27

附录B 29

附录C 31

第1章 绪论





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