2021-06-24 22:07:36
摘 要
Any electronic components can not be separated from the switch control. With the development of science and technology, the speed of the operation of electronic devices have higher requirements, and improve the switching frequency can speed up the running speed, the high frequency of electronic devices has become a trend. The early use of hard switching, during the switching action will generate the switching loss, especially high frequency characteristics of switching loss numerical will become relatively large, which leads to the low efficiency of power, hard switching can not adapt to the development trend of high frequency has become inevitable, in order to solve the high frequency and the contradiction between power efficiency increased, soft switching technology arises at the historic moment, soft switching resonant applied principle to achieve the switch at zero voltage turn-on and zero current turn off, and in the ideal condition has the function of zero switching loss.
The MOSFET as switch components, using MATLAB constructs the soft switching buck circuit and hard switching buck circuit model, through adjusting the parameters of the circuit components, and the ideal output waveform was obtained, and the use of oscilloscope to monitor the voltage and current of each branch,get the waveform of switching losses by adding adder, soft switching and hard switching of the switching losses are compared at last, comparison result is got, which soft switching using quasi resonant charge and discharge mode can achieve zero voltage switch opened, theory has lower switching losses. In order to realize the application of soft switching buck circuit, due to the development of solar energy technology, input power will have certain fluctuations, in this case need of soft switching buck circuit optimization settings, add PI control link, to achieve soft switching buck circuit when the input voltage in a certain range changes can be maintained stable output voltage.
The simulation results show that the soft switch has lower switching loss, and the soft switching Buck circuit of the step power supply can keep the output voltage almost no change.
Key words: soft switch hard switch Buck circuit PI control simulation
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 软开关出现的背景 1
1.2 国内外关于软开关研究状况 1
1.3 软开关研究的目的及意义 3
1.4 软开关Buck电路的实现方式 3
第2章 软开关Buck电路原理分析 5
2.1 传统硬开关Buck电路 5
2.2 软开关Buck电路 6
2.3 软开关与硬开关的比较 11
2.4 软开关Buck电路的改进 11
2.5 本章小结 13
第3章 软开关Buck电路的参数设计 14
3.1 软开关实现需遵循的条件规律 14
3.2 软开关Buck电路参数的计算与设定 15
3.3 改进的软开关Buck电路参数计算与设定 15
3.4 本章小结 16
第4章 Simulink仿真验证 17
4.1 Simulink的结构与功能 17
4.2 Simulink的特点 17
4.3 Simulink的图形仿真 17
4.3.1 硬开关电路图的仿真模型 17
4.3.2 软开关电路图的仿真模型 20
4.3.3 改进的软开关Buck电路仿真 25
4.4 本章小结 27
总结与展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
1.1 软开关出现的背景
软开关技术自提出以来就受到大量的的关注,发展至今,已开发出了各式各样的软开关拓扑结构,比如准谐振DC/DC变换器,零开关PWM DC/DC变换器,零转换PWM DC/DC变换器等等,这些开关电路的应用,将很好地实现在不降低电源的工作效率的情况下增加变换器的工作频率,其原因是它能够实现开关的零电压导通和零电流关断,因为功率的定义是电压和电流的乘积,因此,只要电流和电压其一为零即可实现功率损耗为零。软开关除了能解决硬开关的损耗问题之外,还能解决电路的容性开通问题、感性关断问题、二极管反向恢复问题,以及由硬开关导致的电磁干扰等问题。另外,软开关在实际中还可以应用于照明电路,这能使得所应用的等在开通时实现亮度从不亮状态到微亮最后至全亮的整个过程是缓慢完成的,而等的熄灭过程与之相反。这一过程的实现得益于对软开关的使用,这能防止灯光的突然性改变对人的眼睛产生的刺激,尤其是伸手不见五指的状况下它的作用更加明显,这体现出了软开关的一大优势。
1.2 国内外关于软开关研究状况
- 一种确定磁探针集总电路参数的标定方法外文翻译资料
- 一种人体可接触的大气压低温等离子体射流装置研究(适合电气B方向)毕业论文
- 氩氧中大气压DBD放电特性研究(适合电气B方向)毕业论文
- 大气压氩等离子体射流放电影响因素的仿真研究(适合浦电气B方向)毕业论文
- 含氧高活性均匀DBD改性聚合物薄膜研究(适合浦电气B方向)毕业论文
- 反应器结构对气液两相DBD放电特性的比较(适合浦电气B方向)毕业论文
- 南京某公司研发楼电气设计毕业论文
- 金帆北苑地块经济适用住房——02栋商住楼电气设计(适用于浦电气1004~06A方向学生)毕业论文
- 扬州人武部大楼电气设计毕业论文
- 金帆北苑地块经济适用住房——04栋商住楼电气设计(适用于浦电气1004~06A方向学生)毕业论文