2021-06-24 22:05:51
摘 要
随着社会发展,电能在社会生产中的地位与日俱增。电子器件应用导致的谐波问题也成了制约电力电子发展的难题。为了降低无功、提高功率因数、消除谐波危害,PFC(Power Factor Correction)技术应运而生,并迅速成为国内外学者研究的重点。而本文研究的对象就是在功率因数校正中发挥重要作用的三相功率因数校正器。
With the social development, electrical is playing an increasingly important role in social production. Harmonic problem has become a problem restricting the development of power electronics. In order to reduce reactive power, improve power factor, harmonic cancellation harm PFC (Power Factor Correction) technologies have emerged and quickly became the focus of scholars at home and abroad. The object of this study is to play an important role in the three-phase boost power factor correction, power factor correction.
First, the paper introduces the background and significance of PFC technology, reviewed its development and current situation, and thus leads research object three-phase power factor correction, be modeled in different coordinate systems analysis.
Secondly, through the three-phase power factor correction control strategy further study, the current is widely used both properties mainstream current control method were compared, and ultimately determine the design of system control method of choice, and three parameter-phase main circuit configuration.
Finally, after a theoretical analysis in MATLAB\Simulink model to establish a main circuit and the controller's system through the operation of the system with different load tests, analyze the results, the system can be found in the case of different loads correct operating results.
Key words: Three Phase Boost Power Factor Corrector; Double closed-loop control; Direct Current Control; MATLAB/Simulink Simulation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 功率因数校正器的发展状况 1
1.3 本文主要内容 2
第2章 三相Boost型功率因数校正器原理 3
2.1 三相Boost功率因数校正器拓扑结构 3
2.2 基本原理分析 3
2.2.1 校正器工作原理分析 3
2.2.2 变流原理分析 5
2.3 数学模型建立与分析 7
2.3.1 三相静止坐标下的数学模型 7
2.3.2 两相旋转坐标下的数学模型 9
2.4 空间矢量调制 12
2.4.1 空间矢量调制基本原理 12
2.4.2 三相Boost功率因数校正器空间电压矢量分布 12
2.4.3 三相Boost功率因数校正器SVPWM控制算法 14
2.5 本章小结 18
第3章 三相Boost功率因数校正器系统设计 20
3.1 三相Boost功率因数校正器的电流控制 20
3.1.1 间接电流控制 20
3.1.2 直接电流控制 20
3.2双闭环控制系统设计 20
3.2.1 电压外环设计 21
3.2.2 电流内环设计 22
3.3 主电路参数设计 24
3.3.1 网侧电感设计 24
3.3.2 直流侧电容设计 27
3.4 本章小结 29
第4章 三相Boost功率因数校正器的仿真与分析 30
4.1 三相Boost功率因数校正器的MATLAB\Simulink仿真 30
4.1.1 三相Boost功率因数校正器主电路仿真模型 30
4.1.2 三相Boost功率因数校正器控制模块仿真模型 30
4.1.3 三相Boost功率因数校正器仿真结果 31
4.2 三相Boost功率因数校正器变负载仿真测试 33
第5章 总结与展望 38
5.1 全文总结 38
5.2 三相Boost功率因数校正器的发展前景 38
参考文献 39
致 谢 40
第1章 绪 论
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