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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-04-05 10:38:40  

摘 要


本文首先对风力发电机叶片结冰的国内外研究现状进行综述,对于数据挖掘的概念进行介绍,分析数据挖掘各种经典算法的原理及优缺点。在数据挖掘中对于数据的分析方法有很多,包括分类、回归分析、聚类、神经网络等。叶片是否结冰则采用分类方法来实现学习与预测,分类是将目标对象根据其特征区分开来,分类想要达到的效果是将来自数据库的数据项映射到某个给定的类别中。本文采用基于决策树boosting的XgBoost算法进行分类预测。本预测系统先进行数据处理,将数据中各特征进行相关性分析找出相关性最高的特征,在利用数据清洗方法处理数据中的缺失值、离散值。之后取出正常时间段和故障时间段对应的数据形成特征矩阵和相应预测目标值。接下来建立决策树模型,导入Xg Boost模块,使用80%的数据对模型进行训练,用20%的数据对模型进行5折交叉验证,最后通过绘制Roc曲线以及拟出的准确率,召回率,F值表格来评估模型的准确性。

关键词:风力发电机叶片结冰、预测、数据挖掘、python、SVM、XG BOOST


The development of the wind power industry began in the oil crisis of 1973. In the 1980s, demonstration wind farms were set up to become new energy sources for the power grid. In the past 20 years, the development of wind power has maintained the world's fastest growing energy status, wind power technology is increasingly mature. But in some cold areas, wind turbines can freeze their blades. The effects of blade icing on wind power equipment in the mechanism are shown in many ways. For example, the different degree of icing on the three blades will increase the unbalanced load of the generator set. In this case, the operation of the wind turbine will reduce the conversion efficiency of the generator, and even lead to the shutdown of the wind turbine in severe cases. If the blade freezes for a long time, the power generation will be largely lost in this case, which will bring about a great economic loss. Therefore, how to timely predict the icing of wind turbine blades has become an important research direction.

This paper first summarizes the research status of wind turbine blade icing at home and abroad, introduces the concept of data mining, and analyzes the principles, advantages and disadvantages of various classical data mining algorithms. There are many data analysis methods in data mining, including classification, regression analysis, clustering, neural network, etc. Whether the leaves freeze or not is predicted by classification method. Classification is to distinguish the target objects according to their characteristics. The effect of classification is to map the data items from the database to a given category. In this paper, based on the decision tree of boosting XgBoost classified prediction algorithm. In this prediction system, data processing is carried out first, and correlation analysis of each feature in the data is carried out to find out the features with the highest correlation. Missing values and discrete values in the data are processed by data cleaning method. After that, the data corresponding to the normal time period and the failure time period are taken out to form the characteristic matrix and the corresponding prediction target value. Next, the decision tree model was established, the Xg Boost module was imported, the model was trained with 80% of the data, and the model was cross-verified with 20% of the data. Finally, the accuracy of the model was evaluated by drawing Roc curve and the accuracy rate, recall rate and f-value table.

Key Words:Wind turbine blade icing、 prediction、data mining、python、SVM、 XG BOOST

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstratc 2

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的与意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4 本文研究内容 3

第2章 研究方法及相关理论 4

2.1数据挖掘 4

2.1.1数据挖掘及发展过程 4

2.1.2数据挖掘基本结构与一般步骤 4

2.1.3数据挖掘经典算法 5

2.2设计内容与方法 6

2.2.1设计内容目标 6

2.2.2 XG BOOST 相关介绍 6

2.2.3 设计方法及执行流程图 8

第3章 数据处理及特征工程 9

3.1数据来源及说明 9

3.2特征工程 10

3.2.1数据分析 10

3.2.2数据处理 13

第4章 风力发电机叶片结冰预测系统仿真与检验 16

4.1准确率、召回率、F值 16

4.2建模过程 16

4.3风力发电机叶片结冰预测结果 21

第5章 总结 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论




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